The Towanda News from Towanda, Kansas (2024)

THE NEWS, TOWANDA, KANSAS. KNAPP NAMED FOR AUDITOR HUGHES' ACCEPTANCE SPEECH CROPS HARD HIT flTSHDASIIES Too Lona, and Vague In Suggesting Al- With Only: One Small County Missing THINKS STRIKE AVERTED terations for the Policies He Criticizes. th Betoit Candidate Has a Lead of 395. BY DRY WEATHER WIRE NEWS OF OPINION DRIFTS TOWDJKOII Democratic National Committee Feels Well Satisfied. WEEK complete and cor Mr.

Hughes would- have been more mere! ul to a country plunged In rected returns received seemed to steep-down gulfs of. heat and very PRESIDENT WILSON CONFERRED WITl 'BftTU Cirtra rm- "War News. send Dan B. Dyer's momentary hope Drouth Has Practically Ruined faintly Interested in politics at pres of having landed the Republican homi In the Monfalcone and Goritz sec ent if he had cut his notification THREATENED STRIKE. Corn in Some Parts of the State.

tors, the Italians, pressing their of nation for state auditor glimmering. With but a single county Morton, speech shorter, but "possibly the pa tlent reader will be grateful to It for way off in- the southwest corner of a effect. This Is not to fensive, have driven the Austrians Trom fortified positions, says the Rome official communication. More than 'two thousand prisoners -were the state unreported, and what is believed to be correct but unofficial PROGRESSIVES COMING OVER say that It is not as able and forcible a document as his 'difficult task al MOST PASTURES DRIED UP reports from all the other counties. lows.

That task Is to solder a split taken. 4. 4. 4. Knapp has a lead over Dyer of 3 WENT DtfER CASE MOUGHLY Thinks Sufficient Foundation Has Been Laid to Furnieh Worklna Bi For Settlement of Dif- ferences.

Sentiment in the Doubtful States Be party; to try to create Issues In the presence of the great constructive An. important advance on the Bomme front, northwest of Pozieres, policies that have been nut on the votes. If this figure is correct it is hardly to be expected that the official returns will vary sufficiently from the unofficial returns to give Dyer the coming More and More Favorable to the President, Says Statement to the Public. was announced by the London war of Only in Widely Scattered Sections Are They in Fair Shape Threshing Is Nearly Over. statute books in Mr.

Wilson's ad ministration; to breathe life Into the fice. The. British pushed forward their lines three hundred or four hun- plurality. ghost Issues evoked in the hope of All the other presumably close con fl red yards" over a front of nearly a Topeka Drouth and excessive heat making the voters forget the unpa tests were not so close when the to ir-ile. triotic-and un-American course of so large a part of the Republican party In congress in refusing to support A further series of surprising suc Drift of opinion in doubtful states is toward the re-election of President Wilson, according to a statement issued by the Democratic national committee.

The statement says: "The Progressives In 1912 polled. votes. That was 634,551 more votes than were cast for President cesses by the armies of Generals Salt Mr. Wilson's assertion of the rights tals were in. Dr.

Eva Harding of Topeka, has easily beaten Herbert I. Corwine, also of Topeka, for the Democratic nomination for congress in the First district, and none of the other congressional contests were haroff and Letchitzky have been announced by the Russians. The most of American citizens; upon the -high seas; to explain to a prosperous consequential of these were the cap- people that they have no right to be close. Walter L. Payne, of Burlin Lure, without firing a shot, of the im An unsuccessful attempt was' made to kill James Delk, an evangelist, at Fairbury, the other nightly shots were fired through an open window of a room where he was sleeping with his wife.

Both bullets. came within six inches of fitting him. No motive for the deed is known. The Royal hotel, a 35-rooin building at Chickasha, was destroyed recently by fire that started from an explosion in the kitchen. The Royal was the first hotel built in Chickasha." Several guests had narrow escapes.

4. 4. 4. Dr. John B.

Murphy of Chicago, one of the world's most renowned surgeons, died at a hotel on Mackinac Island, while oa a summer outing. An attack of heart disease was the Immediate cause of death. Doctor Murphy recently was knighted by Pope Benedict for his researches In surgery. He was 59 years old. Walter Hines Page, United States ambassador to Great Britain, accompanied by Mrs.

Page, has arrived In New York from Liverpool on board the American line steamehip, Philadelphia. Harry Wolfe, 30, a fireman, was instantly killed and S. B. Newman, brakeman, of Tyrone, badly hurt when their train of thirty cars was thrown down a 150-foot embankment near Summit, I'a. A cloudburst has swept the Cabin Creek and Coal River valleys, in West Virginia, spreading devastation throughout the district.

Advices were meager owing to interrupted wire and rail communication, but various reports estimated the loss of life at from eleven to 150 persons. The property damage was placed at not less than one million dollars. A tornado that struck Oxford, the other night blew down several buildings and injured three men. A theater was unroofed and two stores on the ground floor were badly Southwest. Company Engineer Corps, Oklahoma National Guard, has left Fort Sill en route to the Mexican border.

They will go to San Benito, where the prosperous under a Democratic admin game, took a good lead in the figures for Sjiate treasurer and has maintain istratlon and without the shelter of the ark of high protection. Mr. Hughes portant railway junction and towns 5f Stanislau; the definite occupation af Monasterzyska, and the seizure Tf ed It ever since. Taf Of course, the leadership and the personality of Colonel Roosevelt had much to do with bringing forth such strength of the Independent vote then. Colonel Roosevelt is ent of It now.

he has deserted the party which he is lucid where he afford to be; The majority of Botkin, for re- Important positions on the Zlota Lipa vague when he suggests, so far as he does suggest, alternatives of-the poli nomination as secretary of state, over line. Frank R. Browny of Topeka, will be cies he criticizes. continue in all parts of Kansas, exit a few counties that received locally: heavy rains recently, according to the summary of weather and crop conditions issued by weather bureau. No general rain has fallen over the state since June 26 and conditions are generally becoming serious.

Corn has been badly damaged in all parts. Some south central and southwestern counties, where the drouth has been most severe, report the crop is practically ruined, as far as grain is concerned, while northern and eastern counties report that if rain should come soon there is a possibility of securing from half to a third of the crop. In some places cutting corn for fodder has begun, and a few farmers in the central part of the state are filling their silos with it. The sorghum crops -are also suffering, but the effect of the drouth so far has chiefly been to stop their growth, and with rains reasonably soon they will make a fair yield of grain. Pastures have dried up except in a few localities that have been favored upwards of 10,000, probably as much The Italian army under the Duke of lajttle that Is new appears In the himseif created.

Disappointment at the colonel's action has grown to re as 11,000, and Justice Silas Porter's sjiech. It is mainly a composite of lead over A. A. Graham for the nomi sentment. tle well-known wisdom of Republican which took Goritz, is losing no lime in its advance, as a result of the aapture of the gateway to Trtest.

South" "of Goritz, along the lower "The Progressives are reading the sages and the converted Progressive nation for justice of the supreme court, position No. 1, is about the record. They are waking up to the chiefs. The voices of Mr, Roosevelt, same. 1 sonzo, the Italians have occupied the fact that whatever advance has been made along their highway of reform of Senator Fall, of Senator Harding and the, Home Market club may be Following is the rote for the con it-hole of thePoberdo Plateau.

Washington, D. Aug. 15. Preal-dent Wilson' conferred yesterday with both parties to the threatened countrywide railway ttrlke and last night it appeared that euf ficlent foundation had been laid to furnish a working basis for a settlement of the differences of the employes and employer. The president will meet both side again today.

At the conclusion of yesterday's conferences tbe president Issued this statement: "I have met both sides and have gone over the case with the utmost frankness. I rhall not be able to Judge until tomorrow 'whether have found a feasible basis for settlement." The foremost questions are what shall be arbitrated, if arbitration is to be resorted to, and what form. of arbitration shall be adopted. Representatives of the employes maintain that their demand for an eight-hour day and time and a half for overtlm is the only concrete proposition under discussion. They insisted to the president In their conference yesterday that the railroads make some definite counter proposal.

If the railroads submitted some proposed form of settlement, they said, they would be ready to discuss negotiations further. The employes are understood to be ready to consent to the principle of arbitration if the contingent proposals of the managers, which the men claim involve rights they have won In years' efforts, are eliminated from 'consideration and if arbitration is conducted by a board upon which all four brotherhoods are represented. detected In it. Senator Fall, Indeed, tested offices far as tabulated: JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. and It is a steady, consistent advance during the last four years have coihe through the Democratic party.

The seems to be the main prompter. Stanislau, in Galicia, already Is R-ithin the range the Russian guns. Porter. 41,21 Graham. .28,111 Progressives are studying the Demo The Russian General Letchitzky, los' SECRETARY OF STATE.

Can He Heal the Wound? For a candidate whose nomination cratic candidate, and they are awakening to the realization that he Is the Brown. 30,041 ing no time in following up his victory at Tysmienits', has pushed west Batkin. ..43,104 was due to a purely artificial demand, artfully worked up by a few schemers one real progressive in rhe field." AUDITOR. ward along the railroad and north .12,281 The drift in the doubtful states Is eastward along the wagon road and BramJage. Dyer.

Knapp. toward Wilson, the statement says. In the latter direction has approached ..31,961 with nobody knows what private ends to serve, Mr. Hughes must be admitted to be doing wonderfully well In Organ. within six miles oC Stanslau.

"Michigan, this year." it continues, gives every, promise of being a genu TRKASUttElt. Cook. the first great task that would have by local rains, and in bottom lands. The third cutting of alfalfa is about finished in the south central counties, where it was very light. Elsewhere it will hardly be worth cutting until more rain falls.

The dry weather has been favorable for making prairie hay, which is an excellent crop. Gardens and truck patches nave Evans. 25.4S7 2916 34,990 27,195 ine fighting ground for Democracy. Reports from the different cities are On the I front the Italians Save continued to throw their forces Pa yne Weightman fast accumulating to prove this. icross the river and have fought their STATE SUPERINTENDENT.

"The presence of Woodrow Wilson Payne 25,54 way to the east of the captured city Ross at Detroit, the insurrection of the Pro 3t Goorizia. In addition, southwest of Wooster 43.15U about dried up, except where irrigat- gressives against the Perkins-Roosevelt lorizia they have taken strong Aus- DEMOCRAT CONGRESS 1ST DIST. Corwine 2,064 and In some places apples are delivery, and the great prosperity ev Irian entrenchments. Marking 2,361 erywhere throughout Michigan are dropping badly. Threshing is mostly over in the DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR.

leaning strongly in favor of Democ The vigorous offensive of the En confronted anyone in his place: the attempt to heal the gaping wound In his party. Dinner with Colonel Roosevelt on a Wednesday evening, luncheon with ex-President Tuft on Friday, each conference followed by an enthusiastic statement of support from the parting guest who else' could have accomplished this feat? The ex-justice was promptness Itself in sounding the battle-cry against the ancient foe, but for the actual fighting he is making the one preparation that is fundamental, the unification of all the forces that traditionally belong under the bunner he carries. This policy will doubtless appear also in Gaitskill 8,013 Lansdon eastern part of the state and about tente Allies on the French, Galician racy. "Mechanics who were getting $2 and and Italian fronts is still being re half done in the western. In most places the- crop is turning out well, KANSAS NATURAL BACKS UP First Regiment, Oklahoma National Guards, already Is stationed.

4, 4. 4. Union ice wagon drivers at St. Louis have decided to refuse to deliver ice, beginning Saturday, to nine dairies affected by the strike and lockout of union milk wagon drivers. This, it is feared, will precipitate a garded with important successes.

In the quality of the yield in the north $vi three years ago are now receiving $4 to and they are with present conditions. Austria the Italians have captured the sity of Gorizia, twenty-two miles Excessive Minimum Charge Is Aban mobilization of the troops to northwest of Trieste; in Galicia the doned and Other Increases Suspended by Gas Corporation. wn rd the Mexican border has sent a Russians, in quest of Lemberg, have furtheu carried oui their endeavors general strike of Ice wagon drivers. message home that no other single act toward the capture of Stanislau from could to impress the people of Michigan with the full benefits to the na Topeka. There will be no $1 a the Austro-Germans while in France the French and British troops in the month minimum rate for gas users in tion of the Wilson peace policy.

"It. looks very clearly from all of Somme region have attacked and won and cut off household deliveries of ice throughout the city. 4. 4. The climax marked by ill feeling on the part of the striking drivers of St.

Louis dairy companies came when Dave Mitchell, striking employe of the St. Louis Dairy Company, was shot and killed in an argument oa the these reasons as if Michigan with its idditional points of vantage from th Germans. former To.OOO Republican plurality western counties being reported to be the best ever known. The ground has become so dry and hard that plowing is difficult, and it has generally been given up until rains fall, except where tractors are used. i- 4 Settle Water Plant Tax Row.

The controversy between the state of Kansas and the Kansas City, water board over the valuation of the Missouri side water works property in Kansas finallly has been settled. The matter has been through the courts, which held that the water works property should pay taxes in Kansas. In order to get the assess-Hjt straightened out the tax commission set aside the assessment for the composition of the campaign committee, wpon which the most prominent Progressives who can be got to serve will be found. Such a step seems elementary, but one, is not altogether surprised to read that Chairman Wilcox "was compelled to advance very strong arguments in favor of it before the Republican steering committee could brought round. The Old Guard might as wl 1 accustom itself to surrendering in the could be converted Into a good work Washington.

ing plurality for Democracy and Wood row Wilson. A general strike on virtually all the street. "A close observer of the conditions railroads of the Nation, paralyzing in Ohio is even more emphatic in the Mnirasrce and throwing approximate declaration that Ohio will be a posi tive asset to the Woodrow Wilson eleo Foreign. Reports of social discontent In Mexico are contained in a copy of El Na-cional, a Carranza organ of the City of Mexico. It stated that recently ly two million men out of employment, can be averted only through the good sffices of President Wilson.

The tlou this year. Some of the most con Kansas and Western Missouri, and 38-cent rate ordered for Kansas City and many Kansas towns has been suspended until, at least, the stockholders of the Kansas Natural Gas Company meet at Philadelphia. The Kansas Natural took this action the other day. It canceled entirely its order for a 100 per cent increase in the minimum rate. The 38-cent rate for Kansas City, even should it become effective later, will affect only 20 per cent of the consumers in that city.

Four-fifths of the users in Kansas City would not have paid thirty-eight cents, anyhow, but fifty cents a thousand cubic feet, for "they use less than the two thousand minimum. The decision of the company) was announced from the office of S. M. Brewster, attorney general of Kansas, following a conference between him and officials of the Kansas Natural servative business men of Cleveland, workers have flatly rejected any form Toledo and other important cities are Df arbitration. 'They have also re a Gen.

Benjamin Hill, military com the present year and appointed lraard to make the assessment. making the open declaration that Ohio fused mediation. will be Democratic this year. 4- "The appointment of the secretary of The importance of the 200 million war and the recent appointment of the dollar Revenue Bill on which Senate THE TEUTONS STIFFEN DEFENSE London, Aug. 15 The Austrians and Germans in Galicia are still falling back before the advance of the Russians, who, according to Petrograd.

have made additional gains along tb-Sereth and Zlota Lipa rivers and hav-captured the strongly fortified town of Tustababy, northwest of the Dniester. On the Tpper Sereth, however, tin Teutonic allies at some points on their newly tchosen line, are holding back the Russians with a vigorous artillery fire. Berlin fays lhat south of Brody, oit the Lub and Graberka sector, Russiau attacks were put down with heavy losses and that Russians who ha'l penetrated Tetuonic positions on th Zboroff-Kinjucay line, northeast or Tarnopol. were driven off and 200 of them taken prisoner. According to Vienna a Russian attack southwest of Podkamien, near Brody, ended with the field before the-Austro-German positions covered with Russian dead.

According to Berlin the British havt been expelled from trenches over a front of TOO yards southwest of the Thiepval-Pozieres sector, which they occupied Sunday. On the 1 sonzo front, according Rome, the Italians have made still further advances against Austrian along the Carso plateai' and east or Hill 212. In the latter ector another line of trenches was Penetrated and more men taken prisoners. In tls oriza sector Rome says the Austrian guns are being busily employed against the Italians. Here, according to Vienna, seven charges by th Italians were put down by the Aus.

trians. Supreme court justice, both of whom Democrats have recently devoted are held In high esteem by the people many hours of deliberation in caucus, of Ohio, will give an added incentive Is being impressed upon leaders by mander of the federal district, had covered the city with patrols to disperse gatherings of striking employes of the electric lighting and street railway company. Charges are being circulated at Chihuahua, Mex even in official circles, that American mining and other concerns with vast properties in Mexico are refusing to operate in order to help hasten intervention. 4. 4.

4. The Etna Observatory reports that the fact that appropriations of the ses for the Ohioans to join the ranks of the new Democracy of Woodrow sion now nearing completion have broken all records. company, held in 5t. Joseph, Mo. The "The Golden state, too, has all 4 WV P.

G. Harding has been desig nated by President Wilson as gov intention of the gas company to increase its rates and the minimum charge was made John M. Landon, receiver. The announcement caused several cities, including Kansas City, Woodrow Wilson and Business. Charles Sumner Uird's distress over the Injury done to American business, or soon ito be done in the future, by the Wilson administration, should be contemplated in the light of the subjoined statement in Mr.

Barron's Boston News bureau and Mr. Barron is admirer of Woodrow Wilson: "The week of July 15. 1916, should be notable in financial history in connection with the federal reserve nrt. For the first time the New York, money market dominates the London market. The Bank' of England rate was advanced to 0 per cent, because money went to'5 per cent in New York.

With our exports expanded per anuum, the United States under the Federal Reserve act Is today the dominant money factor in the world." These things -do not jibe. Fer, as the -one man chiefly responsible for the federal reserve act. under which the 'United States "is today the dominant money factor of the world," Woodrow Wilson will never be known in history as the "enemy" of American business, Whatever Mr. Bird may say earmarks of being added to the Democratic ranks. On account of the great disaffection caused by the Progressive convention, California is sorely nettled to a degree that it has never ernor of the federal reserve board to succeed Charles S.

Hamlin and Paul Muster Out Kansas Officers. Preliminary to the announcement of a new recruiting plan for the Kansas National Guard, Adj. Gen. Charles I. Martin said recently that the Kan-fas recruiting officers had been ordered mustered out of the United States service at Fort Riley.

4 Quits Bank Joh. P. Laugh-tin, assistant state bank commissioner, has resigned and will move his family to Kansas City. Iiaughlin is the organizer and cashier of the Midwest National Bank, to be opened there. To Count Votes Faster.

It will not take a week for Kansas to figure out who won the political fights in the November election as it lias in the primary, for the double flection board system goes into effect for the general election. The attorney general ruled that it could not be used in the primary. All the city precincts and most of the country pre the center of the crater of Mount Etna, now 1,200 feet deep, is in full erup Warburg was named vice-governor to been in recent years. succeed Frederic Delano. The desig "Massachusetts Is turning over with tion.

Lava is flowing to the south west. 4. 4. 4. nations are Lor one year.

4, 4. 4. President Wilson practically has A large German fleet of dread decided to make a speaking trip across disaffection toward the stand patters. Matthew Hale, one of the most conspicuous of the Progressives, has openly come forth against any Progressive-Hughes combination. The feeling in Boston, Lowell.

Lynn, Fall River, noughts, cruisers, destroyers and submarines came out of the Kiel canal, the continent. No details of the tour have been arranged, but it is under to declare they would go to court before paying the new rate. Kansas to Talk Highways. The first statewide convention in the interest of good roads in Kansas -wlil be called to order in Topeka on September 13, in conjunction with the fair at Topeka, September 11 to 18. Governor Capper will issue a call for the meeting, which will be held at the Commercial Club, and at which widely known good roads men have promised to deliver addresses, ad according to Copenhagen newspapers.

stood that his itinerary will be worked The fleet was sighted off Tranderup Springfield, and Holyoke, where many out within the next few weeks. steaming with great speed through the nanow waters of the little belt, Turkey has refused to grant the re Progressives abide, is very strong in its resentment against the apparent bargain and sale of the ProgresslV'eB which is between the Baltic and the quest of the United States that a neu Cattagat. at the Chicago convention. of him in this campaign. SSpriagfleld ir The Greek steamer Elethiria, bound tral committee be permitted to undertake relief work in Syria.

cincts in the larger counties win have two election boards in November. One SSepublieaa. es to work four hours after the first. from Saloniki to Vclo with a cargo of oil owned by an. American company.

The Difference. One evil which ihe Republican '4 .4 5 Cone Johnson, solicitor of the Stat tne and the counting of the ballots Wonderful Cause and Result. After all Is said, it to the admin party's calamity. experts will not fall Department, has announced his inten and L200 passengers, principally disbanded troops, caught fire off the istration of Woodrow Wilson, to its to fasten on the Democratic adminis tion to resign before the end of vising the people how to obtain the best and most lasting bard surface roads at the least expense. The meeting will be presided over fey W.

S. Gearhart of Manhattan. 4. 4. 4.

Bankers Oppose Flack Parole. The recommendation of the state is started right awar. State May Aid in The sheriff of Morton county has island of Skiatho. Forty persons were tration is of man-eat year, tie sata ne intenaea to return killed and many were injured. er in northern waters.

to his home in Texas and resume the appealed to the governor for assist- Whether this irruption is due to the practice of law. The Russian emperor has present remarkable achievement ninid unparalleled difficulties and trials, to the patience. Skill and sagacity of its remit kit hie president, to rhe strong hol which it has in the gratitude and eontideMce of the American low tariff or to the president's Inepti ed to Gen. A. A.

Bru'sslloff a sword tude and vacillation or to the general Domestic DENMARK MAY TURN IT Lower House Approves Sate of West Indies, But Rocks Are Ahead. Copenhagen, Aug. 15 Via landon The folkethlng, or lower house, of tho Danish parliament, today voted In favor of selling the Danish West Indies to the United States, if a plebiscite favored the sale. The vote was 6- fi the proposition and 44 against It, on1-member being denied a vote and six being absent. Having tuken this action, the folekthing took up the question of ratification of the treaty itself, providing for the sale of the-islands.

The vote was the same as-that upon the question of th sale. of honor of the Order of St. George, Enormous crop losses is the United ornamented with diamonds, for his victories over the Austrians and Ger States and Canada have sent the wheat market nearly straight skyward. At one time the ascent of people, that we we this unique and reluctant perfomtane of the Republican party. If we had not had Wood-row Wilson in the 'presidential chair during the four most critical years mans in uaiicia ana voinyma, says a Reuter dispatch from Petrograd.

cussedness of Democracy, we cannot say but certainly it is something horrifying, and even Wall street views It with Let us remember, however, that in the good old days of standpatism the sharks were all on hand, ami most of them enjoyed an immunity which" nobody now extends to the seagoing prices amounted to 114 cents a Prince Songlla, a youthful member bushel. Trading at Chieago -closed in whirl of excitement, showing net of the last half-century of American history. Mr. Hughes would have boea undisturbed In his judicial nee in the prosecution' of Don Van Wonier, charged with killing Sheriff Moore there last week. The governor asked the attorney general to try the case.

Hamilton to Succeed Murphy. W. G. Hamilton of Norton Is slated for chairman of the Democratic state central committee. It is probable that he will have no opposition in the meeting of the state committee, August 29.

A Poor Alfalfa Seed Year. According 'to the reports from the Kansas Agricultural college and to the state board of agriculture there lias not, teen enough wind or enough insects to pollinate the alfalfa blooms and the seed crop prospects are rather slim. Ordinarily the best erons nf gains of 10c to llc, with the Sep of the, Siamese royal family, is going to school in the United States and he is going in royal style. He recently arrived at Honolulu. Rochester Herald Reginald McKenna, chancellor of spaced tucks give distinction to this set.

Strike May Come Again. New York, Aug. 15 Renewal of New York's street car strike was threatened last night unless the New- the exchequer, was subjected to criticism in the British house of commons SMALL THINGS THAT COUNT Ceod Supply of Adjustable and Washable Collars and Cuffs Makes for Appearance. York railways company reinstate on the ground of over-reliance upon treasury bills, his critics arguing that the large amount of ship bills out more than aeventy employes dis- charged, union leaders charge, be cause of their activities in the recent parole board for a parole of John A. Flack, the Abilene banker, who is serving a sentence for embezzlement, has been presented to Governor Capper, who said that he would announce a decision in the case in a few days.

J. L. Raines of Perry, president of the Kansas State Bankers' Association, was here to protest for the association against the parole. 4. 4.

For Prisoners On Road Work. The Kansas sheriffs look with much favor on the plan of Governor Capper to use the county prisoners in building roads in, Kansas. Reeently the governor sent a letter to all the sheriffs of the state asking if they thought the plan were feasible for Kansas. The replies of the sheriffs are Just beginning to come in. Every one of the officers who has replied, has declared himself heartily in favor of any plan that would enable them to get the prisoners out of the Jails, particularly in the summer.

Connect Two Forts. A good roads meeting to take the initial steps for building a brick or concrete highway from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Riley will be held here soon. The Topeka Commercial Club and the Topeka Automobile Club issued a call for the meeting to organize the Kaw Valley Improved Highway Association. The county commis standing constitute a danger and that the government should have issued another war loan. tie up.

The carmen declara railway; Like Phoebe Snow, of travel fame, the girl who is well supplied with adjustable collars and cuffs of washable and cleanslble materials will always be smart and good to look upon. These are requisites of the wardroge Quilt Protector. Quilt or blanket protectors, stamped for embroidery, cost 35 cents. They are strips of sheer lawn to tack over the end of the quilt or blanket that comes at the head of the bed, in contact with the face. They can be simply hemmed or edged with a narrow val lace, fulled on.

The patterns for embroidery are simple and can be done In white cotton or fn colored cotton to match the stripe In the blanket or the figure In the officials bave not kept an agreemanV drawn up by Mayor Mltchel and CaaIN VI! Villa bandits recently attacked man Oscar a. 01 nm puuu passenger train on the Torreon and service commission, which stipulated, that the strikers should be taken tc without prejudice. Durango railroad at Norla, Mexico. They were repulsed by an escort of tember option at $L44i to L41 and with December at $1.48 to $L48. President Wilson will be called upon to take a hand In the settlement of the differences between the four railroad brotherhoods and their employers unless ah apparent deadlock In the negotiations has developed can be broken.

4, 4, 4, Secretary Lane of the Interior Department and Associate Justice Bran-dels of the supreme court have been selected as two of the three American members of the joint commission which will try to sef tie the 'Mexican border troubles. A Secretary Daniels announced recently that plans for" the ships to" be built under the pending naval bill were so far advanced that contracts for all but the battle cruisers and the ammunition ships can be advertised within a week after the measure has been signed by the President. 4. 4 4, John M. Thurston, ex-senator from Nebraska, is dead at Omaha.

He had been very ill four weeks, following a heat rostra tion, and his death tz.1 teen monuatarlly expect: i rsvrrrl government troops on the train. alfalfa seed Kansas produces are in tie dry years. was the driest July the state has ever had, but it doesn't look like a good alfalfa seed crop year. Two crops of the best hay the state ever has produced already' bave been harvested. Sessions as G.

O. P. Chairman? Charles secretary to Governor Capper, former secretary of and for many years a widely known newspaper man, probably will be chairman of the Republican state cjntral committee and wage the fight for that party this year. 4 4 Lieutenant Benfield of the Austrian aero forces shot down his fourth enemy aeroplane, a large Italian fighting plane, after a piotracted fight more than eight thousand feet above one can hardly do without. If we are to be presentable with a limited wardrobe at home or traveling abroad.

Widely different In design and fabric they are, yet excellent In style and easily obtained, for shops generally are supplied with very good assortments of these essential accessories of The severely tailored set Is to be had In crash, linen and woolen fabrics that are easily cleaned. Machine stitching and covered button molds give the snappy trimming touch. Daintier and more feminine Is the crisp white organdie set with rufles of ac-cordlon-plalted net. buttons set out In trim rows, and well- the Gulf of Trieste, an official state ment from Vienna reported. GOVERNMENTS HOSPITAL TRAIr Ten Coachee For Army Relief WoW To Leave For an Antonio Chicago, Aug.

first hospital train to be built by the United fiUteit government has been completed by" ft. local car building concern and will leave Chicago for San Antonio, Teia The train, which consists of tn coaches, has been built especially army hospital work, and til be as modern In equirriat tj tta trtlaa now ia cia ia Hzrz's, Shade of 1830, A quaint dress of brown satin attracted much notice on Fifth avenue the other day. The skirt was ruffled to the hips with scant bias frills two inches wide. The front was slit to the waist and rippled back oyer white organdie petticoat, trimmed with Innumerable rows of runed black mcire ribbon. The coat waist w3 short and tight fitting and fastened la the front by two frcra of coli trxli.

Justin Godart, undersecretary of tate for sanitary service, has for mally introduced an extensive work, Boy Drowned in Kansas River. Noah Farley, 8 years old, was rowned in the Kansas river while rimming with six companions. Efforts to recover the body have proved U-iHUcceesfuL undertaken largely through American sioner, motor clubs and good roads boosters of Leavenworth, Douglas, Jefferson, Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, Riley and Geary counties were invited to the meeting. for the re-education of muti. 1-trJ French soldiers men who tav Irri cs ams la tha wrr.

iSHJ 1.

The Towanda News from Towanda, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.