Two Ways for Ensuring That All Students in a Classroom Can Interact With and Understand the Curriculum (2024)

Two Ways for Ensuring That All Students ina Classroom Can Interact With and Understand the Curriculum

Author: Santosh Kumar Biswa,Sr. Teacher, Damphu CS, Tsirang, Bhutan

Every teacher in the classroom is expected to createnurturing, equitable learning environments for every student. A teacher cangive students access to flexible learning options and efficient pathways foraccomplishing educational goals in settings that allow students to feel a senseof belonging within themselves by creating an inclusive learning environment inthe classroom. An inclusive classroom regards each student equally withoutmaking any distinctions, giving everyone in the class similar opportunitiesthrough fair access to the course materials. It adheres to the principles ofUniversal Design for Learning (UDL). That are several ways we can make theclassroom inclusive in which students get an opportunity to interact with andunderstand the curriculum. This discussion will discuss two ways to make surethat all students in a classroom can interact with and understand thecurriculum.

Accommodating Different Learning Styles

We anticipate that each student in the class will havea unique set of learning requirements and learning styles. It's crucial for meto have a solid understanding of my kids based on who they are and how theylearn the most to foster equity in my classroom. I should be aware of howeverything in the classroom can be accessed to accommodate the needs of mystudents. For students with various learning needs, it might occur if I useaudio recordings, watchable movies, interactive online classes, editabledocuments, live lessons, and more. The classroom's necessary teaching andlearning resources should all be available to students. Next, I should usevarious materials and employ various teaching strategies to engage pupils withthe teachings. For instance, anytime I want to present new topics, I organizevideos, textual materials, worksheets, and activities. And it should be carriedout either through solitary, pair, or group activities. We are aware thatpupils learn more effectively in groups because they become more tolerant ofone another's differences in learning preferences. To the benefit of allpupils, it also increases systemic adaptability in the classroom (Kampen,2022).

On the other hand, students learn most effectivelywhen they are both listening and talking for the auditory learning style andthe linguistic multiple intelligence. They usually learn new things whilespeaking and pondering. In this instance, I should instruct the group utilizinga quick speech, a discussion, word games, and other exercises. For people wholearn best visually, it is best to learn through observation. It would bepreferable if they made use of illustrations, photos, models, or movies. Onoccasion, we might also ask students to finish an assignment or take notes. Forthose who learn best by touching, moving about, and handling things.Roleplaying or using action cues would be the greatest options for them.Similarly to this, we must recognize various tactics for various learningrequirements and make accommodations according to those requirements andlearning preferences.

Incorporating Culturally ResponsiveTeaching to Promote Cultural Diversity in The Classroom

To close the social gap with constructiveinterventions, teachers should exercise caution when it comes to exclusion inthe classroom. Due to numerous factors like gender bias, racial/ethnicdiscrimination, religious convictions, and socioeconomic status that woulddeprive students of having positive well-being, weak emotional strengths, andsupportive networks among peers, students who experience exclusion willstruggle to manage their behavior, be with their peers, and pay attention inclass (Freud, n.d.). Understanding the advantages of inclusive teaching throughdiversity and cultural awareness is crucial for all teachers so that they canenjoy great educational outcomes and pupils are protected from any challenges.Therefore, adopting culturally responsive teaching to foster cultural varietyin the classroom is essential for the student's overall development becausedoing so will increase their self-confidence and help them achieve morebeneficial learning outcomes (Ruggs and Hebl, 2012).

Given that literature has a lot of content aboutgender, race/ethnicity, prejudice, religion, etc., I can utilize a variety oftactics as a literature teacher to raise awareness of diversity and encourageit in my classroom. The literary text is usually read aloud to my pupils beforeI make the text-to-real-life connections and help them derive values that arepertinent to their current situation in the context of my nation and the entireworld. For instance, the play "The Merchant of Venice" addressesissues such as religious conflict, social status, gender, and other forms ofdiscrimination, and does so sensitively by encouraging discussion about howthese issues negatively affect society and the individual, as well as thevalues and roles that each individual can play in resolving these issues for apeaceful society. We also talk about the values of our own cultures and valuespersonally in class during the class so that we may build trust between oneanother for better camaraderie, openness, and values (DUSE, n.d.). Students canthereby draw meaningful and pertinent connections. I must remember to providethem with opportunities to work together and learn because this will improvetheir skills.

To Conclude, teachers meet each student's uniquelearning requirements in inclusive learning settings by utilizing a variety oftactics. When teachers are aware of each student's potential for learning andthe importance of providing a quality education for all students, they canprovide modifications that support each student's academic achievement.


DUSE. (n.d.). Importance of Diversity and CulturalAwareness in the Classroom:

Freud, A. (n.d.). School Exclusion.,and%20skills%20and%20support%20networks.

Kampen, M. (2022). 8 Powerful Ways to Promote Equityin the Classroom.

Ruggs, E. & Hebl, M. (2012). Literature overview:Diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness for classroom and outreacheducation. In B, Bogue., & E, Cady (Eds.). Apply research to practice. (2012). Developing Management Skills.

Two Ways for Ensuring That All Students in a Classroom Can Interact With and Understand the Curriculum (2024)


What is your most effective way to ensure students are actively involved in their learning? ›

Learn Students' Interests

So, use the fascinations or interests of your students and find out what your learners like the most or are passionate about. Use these areas of interest as natural motivators to increase their engagement in learning.

What strategies can be used to ensure that all students are part of the classroom conversation? ›

Having an open door policy and allowing students to pop in and talk about anything that may occur is a great way to promote good communication. Giving students extra support, tuition, or explanations before and after class helps shy students that don't feel comfortable in class to ask questions to learn.

How will you ensure that your interactions with all students are equitable? ›

Establish an inclusive environment early

Discussions should represent a variety of views, and students should feel comfortable expressing themselves. It's also important to let them know that name-calling, personal attacks, and hostile interactions won't be tolerated.

How can you ensure all your students can participate fully in the classroom and have equal access to the material at hand? ›

Share Responsibility for Participation

Students who feel invested from the beginning in making the discussions successful will be more likely to work together to increase participation. Consider requiring students to lead discussions or to submit discussion questions before class.

How do you ensure all students learn? ›

7 Tips to Improve Student Learning
  1. Establish Goals and Monitor Progress. ...
  2. Emphasize Active Listening. ...
  3. Create a Consistent Structure. ...
  4. Teach Lessons in Different Formats. ...
  5. Incorporate Movement and Breaks. ...
  6. Consider Mindfulness Activities. ...
  7. Equip Classrooms With the Right Tools.
Oct 28, 2022

How to ensure that all learners participate and learn? ›

How do I encourage participation?
  1. Foster an ethos of participation. ...
  2. Teach students skills needed to participate. ...
  3. Devise activities that elicit participation. ...
  4. Consider your position in the room. ...
  5. Ask students to assess their own participation. ...
  6. Ensure that everyone's contributions are audible.

How I can maintain classroom interaction? ›

Classroom Interaction
  • Arranging chairs in a circle instead of rows facing the instructor.
  • Sitting down (instead of standing at the front of the room) during student discussion.
  • Breakout groups for collaborative discuss-and-report.
  • Interactive lecture techniques.
  • Think-pair-shares.
  • Integrating alternate forms of participation.
Jan 3, 2023

How to interact with students in class? ›

Student interaction factors
  1. Know your students. In addition to their names and experiences, determine their skills and knowledge. ...
  2. Create a welcoming learning environment. Make students feel comfortable and important. ...
  3. Set and communicate expectations. ...
  4. Encourage students to interact positively with one another.

How do you ensure student interactions are respectful and supportive? ›

4 steps to building respectful relationships between students
  1. Model positive relationships. Providing a model for respectful relationships encourages more positive interactions between students. ...
  2. Encourage reflection and self-awareness. ...
  3. Encourage empathy. ...
  4. Give students an opportunity to speak up.

How do you ensure all students feel equally supported by you? ›

Include A Variety of Learning Materials & Activities

Promoting inclusion in a classroom requires providing a range of materials and activities that supports all students' learning styles, incorporates a variety of cultural backgrounds and perspectives, and fosters courageous thinking.

How do you ensure all students have equal opportunities? ›

What are some ways to ensure equal access to resources and opportunities for all students?
  1. Assess your own assumptions and biases.
  2. Know your students and their communities. ...
  3. Differentiate your instruction and assessment.
  4. Collaborate with your colleagues and stakeholders. ...
  5. Advocate for your students and their rights.
Oct 17, 2023

What classroom strategies could you use to ensure that all students both male and female have quality and equal educational opportunities? ›

Avoid segregating boys and girls into separate lines, separate sports activities and mix seating up in the classroom. Ensure any educational materials used show genders in equal measure. Mix boys and girls to work on projects together. Explore gender concepts and roles from different communities.

How would you encourage all learners in your class to respond? ›

Encouraging Participation
  1. Set the Stage. Explain How You Evaluate Participation. ...
  2. Help Students Prepare. Ask for Written Responses or Free-Writes. ...
  3. Promote Student Thinking. Avoid Programmed and Yes-or-No Questions. ...
  4. Demonstrate Your Interest. Give Nonverbal Support. ...
  5. Work with Everyone. Be Aware of Who You Are Calling On.

What strategies can you use in your classroom to ensure that students of all cultures succeed? ›

Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan

Or, use references and analogies to other cultures in your lessons and assignments to help students with diverse backgrounds personally connect. Another great strategy is bringing in diverse speakers to add varying points of view and real-life context to different subjects.

What is the most effective way for students to learn? ›

Good learning, like good work, is collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated. Working with others often increases involvement in learning. Sharing one's own ideas and responding to others' reactions improves thinking and deepens understanding.

What is the best method for making students participate actively during teaching? ›

Plan Activities that Support Participation

For example: Give students written questions before discussions so they are able to gather thoughts or jot them down. Use questioning techniques or ways to ask questions, that promote high-level responses. Instead of 'What is the answer?'

How do you ensure active learning? ›

To become an active learner, here's some techniques that you could try:
  1. write down what you already know.
  2. ask questions as you read.
  3. make notes of the main points in your own words.
  4. summarise what you read.
  5. explain what you have learned to someone else.
  6. complete all your course activities, not just the reading.

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