Turn To RV Salvage Yards For Affordable Used RV Parts – RVshare (2024)

The sad truth about RVs is that things can and will break. Unfortunately, even knowing this fact ahead of time does not soften the blow when something goes wrong. RV parts are pricey, and spending hundreds of dollars on a replacement item can really sting. This is where used parts from RV salvage yards can save the day.

Why Turn to RV Salvage Yards and Graveyards?

There are quite a few reasons to head to the camper salvage yard when you need to repair your RV. Below are a few of our favorites.


The first and most obvious reason is the one we’ve already mentioned a couple of times: price. As is the case with almost anything you buy, used travel trailer parts and pre-owned motorhome parts are much cheaper than brand new ones. This alone is enough to get us to the RV wrecking yard, but it’s not the only reason to go.

More Eco-Friendly

Shopping for used parts is also much greener than purchasing new. By buying used RV parts, you are doing your part to keep items out of landfills while also saving on resources by reusing an item that has already been manufactured and purchased. If you’re looking for a way to make RVing a little bit greener, this is a great first step.

Support Local Businesses

Many cities and towns don’t have a local RV parts store. This means in order to get new parts, you must order online—usually from a large corporation. On the other hand, travel trailer and motorhome salvage yards are locally owned businesses. By visiting them, you’re supporting an individual and your local community by keeping your money close to home.

A Fun Treasure Hunt

Lastly, we must mention the sheer fun of searching through RV salvage. A visit to the camper junkyard is like a giant treasure hunt. Many people find this exhilarating, and we must admit, it is pretty fun to see what kinds of treasures you can find hidden amongst the used motorhome parts.

So what are the cons of shopping the RV salvage yards? There are only a couple that we can think of, but for some people, these will be enough to have them skip the RV junkyard and head to the new RV parts store instead.

Lack of Parts for Newer Rigs

Because camper salvage yards are home to totaled RVs, and because RV companies will sometimes change things up in their newer rigs, it can be difficult to find parts for the newest RVs at salvage yards. Fortunately, most newer rigs will still be under warranty, so those with these trailers and motorhomes shouldn’t have to worry about shopping for used RV parts just yet.

The Hunt

While the big treasure hunt is a bonus for some, it can be a problem for others. If you need a part quickly or simply don’t have the time or energy to search, you may be better served checking for new parts from a local dealer or even online. That said, it is always possible to call ahead and see if a yard has the part you need, making the job a bit easier.

The Negotiation

In order to find the best deals on used RV parts at RV salvage yards, you may need to do some negotiation. More introverted people may not be fans of the negotiation process, leading them to choose to skip the experience entirely. That said, even without negotiating, you’re likely to save money buying used RV parts rather than new, so this particular con shouldn’t sway you too much.

Where to Find RV Salvage Yards

Of course, you can’t start shopping for used motorhome and trailer parts until you know where to go. Fortunately, finding an RV salvage yard near your home shouldn’t be too difficult. Simply searching the internet for “RV junkyard near me” or “used RV parts near me” should turn up some options. Alternatively, you could choose to check out this list of RV salvage yards by state to find the camper junk yard nearest you.

Finally, there is the option of shopping used camper parts online on websites such as Arizona RV Salvage, which will sell used RV parts, or even SalvageBid, where you can purchase an entire totaled trailer or motorhome for cheap. Just keep in mind that purchasing online means you can’t see the part or RV in person before buying. This may mean you end up with the wrong part and no way to return it.

Purchasing parts for your RV from a salvage yard can be a fantastic way to save more. It also helps save the earth, support your community, and have fun while doing it. Are you ready to get started? Don your gloves and safety glasses, and get ready to do some treasure hunting!

Turn To RV Salvage Yards For Affordable Used RV Parts – RVshare (2024)
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