THE BOSTON" LOBE FRIDAY, JULY 5. 1901. TAFT RULES Celebration Under the Auspices of the Carnival Association Civil Governor Takes Charge Capt Richmond P. Hobson Delivers the Oration. TAKESJWESSION.
Bishop O'Gonnell in His Seat In Portland Cathedral. Impressive and Solemn Ceremonial Anil a Perfect Day. And Soldier Steps Back. New Authority Now at the Head of the Philippine Archipelasro. I Bequeath to You All My Troubles Says Gen Mac Arthur to Gen Chaffee, When Turning Over What He Had Left of Military Authority Elaborate Ceremonies at Manila.
Sermon by Bishop Bradley, Address to New Superior by Fr O'Brien of Bangor, Administrator, and Eloquent Address by the Young Ordinary People and Clergy Captivated. the appointment of the second blshoD MANILA. July -Civil government i In the Phlllpptnea was ausplrlousi7 inaugurated todoy. of Portland, the pious and learned Dr Commissioner Taft wa eerarted by Gn Ma-'Arthur and Ocn Chaff fr-m the pal.ioe to a great temporary tribune on the opposite side of Ah plaza Island of Samar. According to tbalatoat reports this Island Is the setM Og most tenacious forlorn hope of th insurrection and it rone efforts are being made bv both the army and navy to rapidly complete Its subjugation.
SMS HOME IS IN BOSTON. Comelijs Donovan, Probably Demented. Tries to End Life by Cutttnj Hit Throat -Wotini Not Serious. LOWELL. July Cornelius Pa van rat his throat with rusty knife on Datum st this afternoon.
Ha did Pnlarlo. Stan-line- on a projecting enter or PORTLAND, Me, July 4 With ceremonies witnessed by 2000 people, 50 prlents and 2 bishops, Rt Kfv William H. O'Connell was this morning installed at the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception as bishop of the Portland diocese. The day, fitting the impressive ceremonies, whs divine. The nun shone brightly and the clear, cool atmosphere of the day seemed to lie especially ordained for the occasion.
Old Glory proudly floated from the lofty flagstaff on the cathedral grounds, apparency cognizant nf the dual importance of the day a nation's birth and a bishop's be. ginning. the tribun. Judge William II. ttiii took the oath of office as civil governor of the Philippine Islands, the oatn being admlnlMered by Chief Justice Arellano.
Gov Taft was then Introduced by Gen MacArtnar. the guns of not inflict a serious wound. rieaiy. pearly one year ago. on Jhe 30th day after his doath.
It became my sad duty to say the last word of him whose appointment I had announced to you 26 years before. "Today, my beloved brethren, I am privileged to tell you in a formal manner of the selection of the third bishop of Portland. Rt Rev Dr O'Connell, whom Clod may spare many years, and may his labors In this diocese be fruitful In great and good work for the divine glory. "These prelates had not known you, nor had you known them previous to their coming among you; notwithstanding this fact they entered upon their duties as persons having authority, and you rerelved them as persons entitled to exercise this authority and rendered to them in consequence respectful submission and ready obedience. "But why do they come to you and to no others, and why do you render obedience to them and to no others? They come to you and no others because God through the pope has appointed them, and you obey because you know them to be heaven appointed." Turning to Bishop O'Connell he continued: "Right reverend father, let me tell you of the priests, religious and fort Santiago being fired by way of a salute.
A feature of the Inaugural address Young America never for a moment suspended the noisy demonstration on i iMimvan was found on th street I ing as It partially demented. He gave his home as ftt Tyler at. of Gov Taft was the announcement that on Sept 1. isn. the commission would there la no oa the street.
I-ater ba be increased bv the appointment ot i.l hi. luaae- mm In Anal on that three native members. Dr Ward De I be had been In Lawrence. Ha was ra- Tavern. Benito Legarda and Jose Lux- moved to tbe City hospital.
Before the first of September depart- 1 UNCLE SAM LOSES MONEY. tnents will be Instituted as follows, tne Sis Ba? Filled With S20 Gold the highways and byways of the city, but every one of the big congregation was so wrapt up In the Impressive Installation services that a thought of the demonstrative exterior never entered their minds. The new bishop has already captivated his new flock. Only the sanctity of the edifice and the solemnity of the occasion prevented his hearers from openly applauding the patriotic sentiments the new prelate uttered In his address today. Sinking his own individuality.
Bishop O'Connell used all through his address the ecclesiastical "we." In his robes, with mitre and crozlcr, the new head of the Maine diocese, seated on his throne on the right of the altar, looked the personification of ec S30.000 in AR, Disappear from Mint at San Francisco. SAX FRAXflSCO. July the report that a shortage iaitntui or your diocese wno today greet you and receive you as Christ sent. I know them from long association and common labor with them. You come to a priesthood trained and guided by your two eminent predecessors, a priesthood knowing what Cod's work Is and tireless in its accomplishment.
'By their fruit ye shall know "You find religious men and women discovered In the San Francisco sraaeb. mint, the Chronicle today says: heads being members of the Unite States Philippine commission: Interior. Worcester. Commerce and police. Wright.
Justice and finance, fde. Public Instruction. Moses. Of tbe Z7 provinces organised. Gov Taft paid, the Insurrection still exists in five.
This will cause the continuance of the military government In these sections. Sixteen additional provinces are reported without insurrections, but as yet they Jiave not been organised. Four provinces are not ready for civil gov Stx haws of gold, each in 30 gold pieces, have from the mini. imbued with the spirit and fervor of clesiastical dignity and authority. I the das of living faith and showing His admirable address, so full patriotism for New Knglnnd.
his love the faithful and efficient aid of the diocesan clergy. You find a people, not Leach and his force, agisted by Director or the Mint Roberts and his staff of experts, have been st work on the mystery since June 9. The annual count of the coin, amounting to Ifceaia last KrMay. OS 1 rich pernaps in tne tnings or tne world, but abounding in the richness of a liv- Ing ffiith. Pray you this day as did the shepherd or shepherds.
Holy rather, keep them In thy name whom thou hast i given me, that they may be one as we ernment. 1. governor raid that with the con- I cenirutlon of troop Into larger garrl- 1 sins It would b- neteimary for the p-- pie to assist the police in tbe prerervav ttysj order. Fleet launches will be procured, he said, which will facilitate ommunl- cation among the provinces, as well as ail the postal and revenue depart- Saturday six bag were found to to from the ahlera vault. As the cashier's books tallied with those of the other departments, the official were forced lo the conclusion that somebody acquaint, i with the inside affairs of the mint had taken the I also On Behalf of the Clergy.
for his religion and his made a deep Impression on those privileged to hear him After the installation ceremonies the visiting clergy were entertained at dinner at Kavanagh school, where also the bishop addressed them again. Kavanagh school, by the way, is named in memory of the daughter of Gov Kavanagh of Maine, who did so much for the chureh In Its earlier struggles for a foothold. She left $25,000 lo the church for educational purposes. Although the Installation ceremonies did not begin until 10 o'clock the crowd began to gather at 9, and when the doors were opened to the public at 9:15 there was a rush for seats. Admission was by ticket.
A dozen ushers, headed bv P. H. Flaherty. Martin J. Greely and John H.
Greely, assisted by Fred D. Harvev, Frank J. Gallagher. W. P.
Stone. Geo. Fr O'Brien, administrator, then addressed the bishop from his position I sot i) Hupt iarn una in rector gaps mi declared that suspicion could not point to cashier Cole, since his bosses were In perfect condition and called for OI Tf.Ct XERCSEiS AT TH0vO. on the left of the altar, saving: "In behalf of the priests of the dio eese of Portland, and through them tncnta.
In connection with rdueationil efforts. Oov Taft said that adults should be by an olmervallon of American methods. H- mid that theie was a reasonable hope that congress WsasM provide a tariff. It would be suitable, he said, to aasiat In the development of the Philippines, and not a mere app.i- at Ion of the United Stales tariff. Accnrdlne to Taft.
there is an the amount missing. in some measure of their faithful FLOWERS FOR CHILDRBV. flocks, I have the honor to acknowledge SCENES AT THE JAMAICA PLAIN CELEBRATION. nnu welcome you among us as our bishop. You come to us with the high Diet rlbu ad tot hou sands by tho Fl oral est commission we could possibly think unexpended balance in the insular Emblem Soetoty.
oi requiring. ever, as the uprising of all sections I on the banks were treated to all kinds The Jamaica Plain carnival associa tor, you have been sent to us bv the 1 1 -usury of t3.7uM.uQO. and an annual ia- SlOuUuutiL of reflective effect, which were bight The old I "rovidenee station st Park vicar oi enrist. whom we regard, not ror tne support or tn- government aur- Ing the I-punish war hud shown. As he (included he was given hearty aq yesterday waa visited by thousands ened by the Illumination on the shores in various colors.
The governor said that any possible friction hriv.M Ivll and military sub oiuy as tne center or catholic unltv. tion observed the national holiday yesterday with the greatest celebration ever held In the section and one of the of children from tho four quarters of but the supreme source on earth of all Band concerts were given at 7:3" a ordinates should be discouraged. Tne ecclesiastical jurisdiction. And inas the city, who had been Invited by tho followlrg the oration at 10 clock. patriotism of the Filipinos was best ever held in Boston.
From the much as it is by human instrumentality a villa me, followed by three cneers. Prevh-us to the oration a number of r.hool thiicircn sang "The Star-Spangled F.ii.rer," and. at the conclusion. Floral Emblem society of htssSMMs a i.i in nolo oi i com menu eu crack of the pistol for the start of the mat the spirit of God sneaks and acts and finally in the evening at 8 o'clock. In conclusion Gov Taft reiterated a we raw trie reaav inference that vou setts to stiend tbe free dlstrlboUon of flowers.
hooe einres-d l.v the President, that A merit a. I first bicycle race in the morning to the blaze of the last piece of fireworks In have been set up by the Holy Ghost to ruie mat portion oi tne church ot tiod Capt Hobson then went to the shores Ttnanlt of Snorts of the rod, where he wltnesaed the For the past three years this annual the evening It was all that could be de Which forms our diocese. the tut ure tne innanitunis wouiu --grateful for the Ameri an Philipi vlctorles. and that they would be Indissoluble- linked In ties of affection observance has tarried asnllee at A sun Pres Maxwell presented Mayor Hart, who spoke but a few word in Introducing Capt Hobson. He Raid: "Fellow Citizens We are all glad to be here.
Let us have a rousing celebration. When the declaration of independence became a fact In 1776 John Aidams wrote to his wife. Abigail Adams, that this day 'ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and Illuminations from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore." That advice has neen followed 135 years. Let it be followed today. "I cannot stay long with you, as I am due at Faneuil hall for the city oration.
But you will have a speaker whom you will be glad to hear a good American, a member of the naval service, who has done his duty. I ask you to join in three cheers for Capt Richmond Pearson ennoe n.ces. sired and ran with hardly a hitch. Stranger that you have been to us Tne summary or ine sporrs: BICYCLE RACES. shine into hundreds ad home, where poor cbildrtu ate fading and dtjrfcaw now you are not only of us, but you with the common country.
-The pleasure of the thousands who thronged the shores of the beautiful are our neat ami tne enter pastor or th One-half mile, boys' First heat won witnoot so muro as glimpse or gieen fields or mayhap a healthy breath of souls committed to our care. We. there bv M. O. Estabrook.
K. II. Gibbons sec Jamaica pond and the easy way In Message from McKinley fore, willingly tender you not the Good Bacing. While the association had eliminated the field sports and a large number of the aauatic sports held last year. If ond.
R. 8mlth third. Second heat won eaven pure air to reive tnesa. tur.v visterdav anornius a ions Una mrerial submission which we owe to wss then The President's message the church, but the reverence, docilitv by Robert Roblnette. O.
C. Dale second. read, as follows: and obedience which our faith teaches Flnl heat won or bos and girls, from tbe toddling infant of two years to the big boy and girl widl Into tbetr teena, stood in lino anything the events given yesterday 1,1 tT1 us constitutes our duty to our bishop. bv M. G.
Estabrook. Robert Roblnette 'Taft. Manila: "Upon the sssumptlon of your new were more interesting. second. Smith third.
waitina tor tne signal to enter APoiti "These, If I can interpret their thoughts aright, are the sentiments which the priests of your diocese are as tickets had been is rt bated isj dm duties as elvil governor of the Philip The bicycle races at the opening or Tram race Won by Jamaica cycle, the celebration were close and Inter- Louis Mettllag. Samuel Brown and Wsl- North end South pine islands. I have great pleasure In Ends, covering ten. CIvUtoaa I. 4 disposed to receive and welcome vou.
ir, Th i dot. m-nn the t. DOVCS. points: oresi niun. J.
ion of South ca a or oner, tbose from tbe 1 or the city Back of the clergy Is a laity of no less than 100.000 souls, all of whom vou will honors of the day. sweeping everytning. sending congratulation to you your associate commissioners, and my thanks for the cood work already a wausstsil to he prseani North Knu being The chief event was the team race find to be dutltul ani devoted children." between Jainifloj. a team from Forest from lu a to 11. and the childresi i lie other SBCtlossi from 11 to U.
which everything was carried out demonstrated to the fullest the wisdom of the selection of the spot for the celebration. With the bicycle races on the broad boulevard around the pond, the oration by a hero of the Spanish war, Capt Richmond Pearson Hobson, in a dell on the southerly side of the pond in a natural amphitneatre and the canoe races In the center of the pond in sight of the thousands watching them from all shores it was an Weal plitce for the observance. There was a slight hitch for a short time In the principal feature of the day, the oration by Capt Hobson. who failed to connect with the escort, the Koxbury horse guards, at the Vendome. He however appeared shortly after, in charge of Mr Barrows.
The party which had preceded him from the Vendome consisted of Mayor Hart, Hon A. A. Maxwell. Dresident of the association; J. H.
"I extend to you my full confidence It a as hi. orderly iNti tbe New Bishop's Address. and best wishes Tor stilt greater su blue coat 1 of the law Ochs. 8. A.
Seabrooke and J. L. Melllsh second. 17 points: Somerset club. M.
Downey. M. J. Chessman and Charles Iurra third. 8 points.
4m Ms. Distance 1 -10 miles. Mile open First heat won by J. Daly. John Cob-man second.
Alexander Rosa third. Second heat won by luls Met-ilinr. M. Downey second. W.
A. Bowes third. Third heat won by Samuel 111 if no D. C. McPhcrson second.
L. eeas in the larger responsibilities no From his throne Bishop O'Connell re devolved upon you. and the assurance Hills and a team from the Somerset club of Roslindale. Nine men started. Tbe finish was close, tbe three Jamaica cycle men however being In the lead, crossing the tape In this order: tling, Rrown and Bowes.
The mile opn, or rather once around the Dond. one and six-tenths miles, was plied, addressing the prieets and people not only tor my sen out lor my in- as follows: acted as sentries at tho mg amor tiavisg no trouble with the youngsters as they Hd, tbrou.h In single Ala i.U received their nosegays irom the group of young women who gave so freely of Hobson Speaks. As C.apl Hobson stepped to the front of the platform he was greeted with a burst of applause. He gave an Interesting address, which was Intently listened to. It was of a historical nature, Capt Hobson dwelling on the glory of the country In the past and its future in the new world just opened to it.
He spoke of the early development of the country under the guiding hands of the forefathers, its struggles during its early existence. Its foreign wars, in which the American people had trvmen. or good win lor ine i oi 'Beloved Clergy, Dear Brethren- the Islsnds. and the hope that their nartlcltaatlan In the government Which Called as we have been by the grace of Weise third. Final heat won by Louis their mi was in tho rasas of conferring It is our purpose to spveeav um won by the members of the Jamaica i evele team in the same order as in the hpiinca on ott ers.
Mettllng. Samuel Browne second, at ler Kowes third. the Almighty to the great dignity of the episcopal order, and sent as we are by may lead to tneir nignesi auvanccmeni. That tbe ewes amvreclate lr Tandem race Won by I-ouls Mettllng happiness anu the vicar or Christ to govern this part oarers was apparent in their happy faces sad the nmnner in which they team race. Two Jamaica riders, Mcttliner and J.
Daly, won the tandem race. M. G. Esterbrook was the winner' of the nil sm jxiaaaei and J. Daly: Mat Downey and Cbarles or the nocK or nrist.
we gmoiy cor The reading of Piesldent McKinley' Murray second. received the pretty tdossoaaa. They waoa respond. In so far as we may, to the will E. McL.nugh.lln, W.
It. O'Connor. Francis J. Holland, Dr L. L.
Donovan, Joseph P. McCarthy. T. J. Donnelly and B.
E. MrDonougn. escorted the ticket holders to the seats In the aisles indicated on their tickets. The main aisle was reserved for the visiting clergy and the members of the press. Prof Quimby, the organist, presided over the musical program, which was simple, hut well rendered.
Aside from the singing of "Te Dium" and the responses, there were no vocal selections. Rw Fr Dugre of Westhrook stai-ted the "Te Deum," the choir singing every other verse. His clear, well modulated voice effectively filled the edifice. He was assisted by Misses Minnie Burke, Cora McMann, Josephine O'Connor. Katheiine Gately, Lena McAchorn.
Annie Sherman, Clan Murray. Alice Derry, Maude McCarthy, Louise Rell-ham, I.eua McMann. Marv Griffin, Many Driseoll. Mary Bulger, Hatriet Johnson, William McGonnigle, Walter Gately, Harry Hlnes. Gowralne, William MeOrath.
Thomas Desmond, Joseph Watts. Edward Lavis. Great Altar Ablaze. The great altar was ablaze with candles, artistically arranged and the bishop's throne appropriately draped in scarlet. Promptly at 10 o'clock the procession formed in the sacristy and proceeded to the cathedral by w'ay of the chapel, advancing into the greiat portal, where the assistant priest, Fr O'Brien of Bangor, late administrator, presented the holy water to the bishop, who blessed the clergy.
The incense WM then presented an 1 blessed, and the bishop was Incensed by the assistant clergyman. The iroc-sslon was then resumed through the chapel and chapel yard, into the street and through the main entrance to the cathedral. As the procession neare.l the main entrance there Was a hushed silence and the craning of necks to get a glimpse at the new bishop la his robes of office. Rev Fr Cleary of Milllnocket. acting as cross bearer, headed the procession, flunked by two altar boys and followed by several others.
Then came the f'rlests. followed by Bishop Harkins of 'rovidenee and Bradley of Manchester. Bishop Tlerney of Hartford is on a retreat and could not attend and Bishop Mtchaud is ill and sent his regrets. Bishop Beaven of Springiield was also unable to be present. Lastly came Bishop O'Connell in his beautiful robes, the train being held by two rmall handsome altar boys.
As the bishop marched down the aisle he blessed the congregation. From the moment his tall, stately figure entered the church until he left it he was the object of interest and the cynosure of all eyes. When tlve procession reached the Wain altar each participant genuflected MM) took the seat assigned him. Bishop O'Connell halted at the foot of the altar. MM and was then vested.
Bishop Bradley and Bishop Harkins and Vicar General Byrne, Bishop O'Connell's old Pastor of St Joseph's church, occupied seats on the leB of the altar, as did Fr O'Rrien of Raneor. boys' race The officials were: an MollneaMx. both or Uoa and the holy see, and we -hlldren of all shown its powers, its internal strife Gould, Alderman E. Peabody Gerry. S.
P. Balkam, L. J. Brackett. E.
W. Clark, E. B. Sampson and Thomas W. Carter.
i Th. tt.A mAt Inter 1 message of congratulation was eutn-i slastlcally cheered. come to you as your bishop, mindful ot Mrs Lue Stuart Vwadsonh. chairman The entire front ot ine lnouna. a our unworthiness, but with confidence in The people were somewhat disappoint hi.
lone, was decorated with nags ed in not seeing Capt Hobson with the God and in you, beloved brethren, ready to fulfil the duty assigned to us and and aeveral hundred officers, with their procession, but were soon rewarded with of the committee, won the hearts of the children with her kindlr words, and she waa ably assisted by the rest of tbe committee, who. with gentle hands aad A smile, handed tbe children the Sower. Tbe committee consisted. IiisUsS bfrs determined to expend our forces, mental families and menus, were eeaiej inrmn. iien MacArthur.
ilvil fiorimor Taft which had been satisfactorily settled. nV the dav A record was made rereree; cnaries jonnquisi. James ijin-and the last foreign war. the contest I h7 hV vlowa nnoe am ih 5 1 Charles Bonn. A.
Olson. H. Lips, with Spain, which had brought forth i E25mT' Jarr-s Tate, judges; W. R. Cole, starter; new glories, new careers and" new re- "nts were Interesting es- Owe W.
Brown. E. T. Bliss, A. Mc-spoiislbilitles.
I necliilv thl nit in hoots Much amuse- I ljtn- "WOcers: George Drown. H. Mun- He spoke of the navies of the world. SSS. i r' William Zellar.
timers: Charles A. their relative strength and powers and t2 ffeJ w. Fnderwood. clerk of course: A. R.
Mss- showed that while small In replace- 92 Zi rnan. Frank Xellar. H. Hudson, mo ment, the power of the American navy Pgjft Ppif, wabewa- I''r- ISrVoSSSr to Kone on account or 119 waVwSohrc a sight or him as he whirled along tne parkway to the stand, where the oration was given. As he passed to the and Military Governor Chaffee occuple I and physical, in the office confided to us as chief pastor of this diocese.
"We have legitimately, divinely re Wadworth. of MK Kate C. i' helps. the center, wltn tne oiner jr. n-rais on ihtr riarht stand he was welcomed by Mayor Hart Mr- S-all Iteed.
Mr J. r. ceived our commission, and wc come ear Admiral tiempn an-i n.s Mrs Eugene Eaton. Mrs Mry Basts i with humility, but fearlessly, coura were on their left. The 1 ommis- ot hers.
The assistants were Miss geously, to executeourcommlsslon. With firmness of faith In God' i Mil aiil arfnnera ar.ri lhe fustice of the supreme Soule. Miss Met. t. F.
tv.ule. Miss court were immediately in the r-ar with julnobequin. third At the conclusion of the canoe races Mclntyre. Mia Gertrude tlmflrtr. Miss K.
ZSmmeeman and Frl Mclntyre. son with the arcat contests of th--r hfeTrVh'e stood the run race on willingness to fit the Instrument of hia will to the best execution of his designs, we have gone at the bidding of h's voice to do his work in whatee- field his Capt Hobson was dined by Thomaa Among a ho contrumtoa Martin, second and by Pres Maxwell. The reception committee was composed of A. A. Maxwell.
E. W. Clark, A. H. Stephenson.
F. H. Wllmarth. S. D.
Balkam, R. S. Barrows. J. B.
Gould. J. Wesley Farmer, E. B. Sampson.
G. H. Ellson, Representatives L. S. Breed, J.
Henry Smith, C. at Draper. John Hleller. L. Gammon.
Alderman E. P. Gerry, Councilmen G. P. Beckford.
W. F. W. Whiteley. W.
H. Nltz, George Lorey and C. W. Starratt. Thomas W.
Carter, F. R. Pumphrey and J. Brackett. as.
sa. itiin n. la-le Th Kl 1 Iff! FMI I 1 several professional florist, the Aub-iru- i. arter at nis assess on me psworwsy. At o'clock the c.
lehrnMon was re- I War canoe race, half-mile-Won by UUI Bsaas wmm ssssi ---ar--- were there, tut there were more Alt.irl vicar thought to send us. But we Wahewuwas. Stanwood. ITait. Johnson e-nal than Ftllt.inoS Dfesent.
sehocls. Mr P'rwdtteh of Grove Hmb nations and showed how far superior has been the American navy. Some time wac voted to economies, duilng ih- course of which Capt Hobson deff Jed the south In regard to the slavery question, making the statement that It had been. In fa.ct. the salvation of the ncgrc race, for.
like other col The transfer oi I lie military sauioniy lr- K. 8. Converse of Maiden. Uie Jtui- Brwn. Conant.
Woita. West. Low and May. defeating (Julnobequin. Daniels.
Cai'ien. Aiken. Kottman. Rogers. Ward.
sumed after a couple hours' rest, reception to Cspt Hobson being tendered at the Jamaica club. The spacious home of this organization never appeared to better advantage. A band iTeti Chaffee na carried out in Gen sey instlt- te. Mrs Nellie At weed. Mrs MaeArthtir's offie.
There waa ro form- Maker. French and all tv A. H. Miiir. Mrs a.
t. raewoau. Mrs E. A. Ijockhart.
Mrs George MOsSflK Mrs W. lu.wdltch. frier His hi RsMR Tandem, ball IllliS SfSO by Pratt and profoundly grateful thai in the designs of Providence this is to be the pasture wherein we were intrusted with the fold. For though we may be, we are as yet personally unknown to many of you, yet we come to you as no stranger. Born in the province of New England, educated within her limits until the age of manhood, we are perfectly familiar with the thought, the sentiment, the atmosphere stationed on the lawn gave a conieri rien MacArthur presented the new ored r.u-.
it would have been exier let mlnatid bad not tho south, through Many of the most prominent cltlxens of Johnson of Wahewawa. a or second, lis-e commander to the generals and re Brain tree ani Watertown. miss Clara laery. given them a sturt, a foothold the section were present. capen ml After the reception Cant Hobson was Stan wood cf Quihobequln third.
Time marked: i oncath to vou all mv troubles It. Roger. Mr J. II. RobtrtssB SM Mr- H.
ward whall. th vun.t nf ih carnival association 2m 35 2 -as. Introduced by Mayor. By the time the Idtgnitariea had gathered on the stand all the reserved seats and the space around It was completely filled with an eager crowd. Decorations an the hlvh civil and rmv offic they can now stand on.
said that when the time was ripe slavery was abolished In a war thut had A prominent xpr company and witnessed the fireworks and Ilium- Mixed tandem Won by Mr and Mrs MacArthur to the river rallwsy furnished free of the life of this particular part of our gieat country. from, wltere rim- T.ift and Gen Chaffee then re shown the willingness of all. both north tnd rc -th. to stand by their own ptin- 11a V.
portattort. "We know its history, so valiant a (nation in the evening on lhe pond, and WMfr. no prettier effect could be gained, for. I Relay nee Vi tin br Qulnobequln setoff as they were from the center of Nuttman ami rrench: Wabewa the pond the thousands of spectators wa. Pratt.
Johnson and I -owe. recond. hiehtned the attractiveness of the tiplcs ililr story of Its sterling people. We know its seen. the counir lo ton dr Albsr Pan-American Betas was now more united than turned to the palace and received the public.
The closing event of the eelebmtPn of the Po'irth of Jul- wss a I i ipctsn in honor of ii-n M-ic Arthur at the The direct sad quickest route to tho temperament. Its composition, us spirit. Its breadth, its limitations, and we know what can onlv be known by actve work and life among the inhabitants of I r. in Bt "all 1 the second American to receive the Xarcisse Charhind. Watervlllc; Rev via the ton A Albany and N.
Y. C. A Zaaaaaa the civil ov-rnor. Gen Chaffee new degree, established as a French a province, its ideals. Its aspirations, us Charles W.
Doherty. Augusta; Rev C. MeDonough. Bath: Rev H. J.
floran II. It. They ha.e just need and 'Jov Tart asisti in rec ivina iue univalent for the German PhD. has prejudices and its idiospneraoles. "For all of these, nerfect and Imperfect the false and the true.
Juat as thev pctal exeurs'on rat- trrm Dustos to nsrort Meade sailed to Chl'holm; Rev J. B. Seklnger. Bruns- just been awarded a of S60 francs I gue1. wick Rev James Flvnn.
Biddeford: Rev for his Etude sur la Phonetique Ital- I The 1 trai D. J. O'Brien. Portland cathedral; Rev lenne by the Joint commission of the night for Xsgs Buffalo and return. sumo, gooo rar akl with Uen MacArtl ur that, though less worthy, we may Inherit the esteem and the affection which he won from you.
We only ask to follow lr. his footsteps, to be to all. of whatever race or clnss or position. an Impartial ruler. Just judge, a sympathetic friend, a faithful bishop.
"Pray God with us that such we mar be by his grace, and we now lovingiv impart to you our first episcopal the entire of tl good fSC exist in human life, are what constitute and the members of bis staff oo board. Ave academics composing the Institute r.ftecn day. and of flies, good for ef iwnrd F. Hurley. PR.
St Dominic s. Fr O'Rrien then sang the "Pater Nea II COMING CI2ECT. de France. Three prises, originally established by the distinguished French scholar and writer. Volney.
have been he latter txaets are ror ter." and the prayers applicable to the installation of the bishop. tlnuou in corn oi dress A. S. Hanson. G.
P. given for the most remarkable linguist Transport Indiana Had Xo Ortors to ror riean folder. ic works and especially for treatises on cr.mj aratve grammar, such as those "ouch at Kaa-aaakt. Takes His Seat. Bishop O'Connell then took hia seat en his throne, and the priests of the diocese, advancing in twos, knelt and ot alax al'illT.
MtRiesicn and Ho pp. WASHINGTON. July 4-A cood deal Gets Ris Lieutenant Portland; Rev Charles W. tv.iiins. Portland; Rev Fr Crane.
Rev Fr Faney. cathedral. Portland; Rev John O'Dnwd. church of the Sacred Heart. Portland; Rev J.
A. Barry. Biddeford; Rev P. E. Dupont.
Biddeford. Rev Mathew Riley. Winn: Rev Francis X. Tudol. Oldtown: Rev 8.
M. Harrington. Rev M. F. on-ivor.
Orono; Rev Fr DesJardo. Spring-vale; Rev J. J. McGlnnis. Sanford; Rev P.
J. Oanity. Wlnterport; Rev P. J. Nelly.
Belfast: Rev J. B. Belsney. Manchester. 8 Rev J.
J. Bsnnon. Manchester: Rev A. Bucre and Rev E. Do-cerv Kasthnvok: Kev Fr Bergeron.
Bid of apprehension, rvldenred by a number DOVER. II. July I Sergt It t.Jamln of earnest Inquiries rerelved at the war V. McGiauflin of tbe Sawxr rtfles, Co kissed hio ring, making their obedience depsrtment. is apparent among those in re rived fPSSa L.
2.1 regt. N1ING. today Ftooxlog to tie Province. The hot weather of the past week has sent people with a rush to the Province, where they can keep cool. The Plant Line, although running ships every oth to the new bishop.
After all of the priests had performed Apostolic Benediction. At the conclusion of his address Bishop O'Connell gave the apostolic benediction. In miter and with crosier he advanced the altar and sang the customary prayers, and with graceful wave of the hand blesed the people. The procession then reformed and returned to the sacristy. In the order In which it had entered.
At the house Bishop O'Connell received a number of personal friends and the secretary of state his the character of a state, or a diocese, and must be the guide to prudent and wise and efficient action on the part of those to whom are entrusted the reins of government, whether spiritual or temporal. "The interpretation of law. Its framing and application to the Individual or the organization is best accomplished by the legislature and the Judee. who know not onlv the abstract principles of Its cod.f but the circ*mstance and condition of Its object. "New England Our Home." "New England is our home, its people are our people, and Maine, which constitutes our diocese.
Is to us no strange land, but one of the six daughters of that historic mother which more than any other has stamped their impress upon the character of its own sons and upon all Americans. "We thank God that our work is to be among a priesthood so loyal to Its lerested In th troop aboard the transport Indiana, which Is on her way from ceremony and returned to their second Meute'iant of the company. tia Manila to San Francisco, owing to the God we can labor for Christ and h's church, free and untrammekd, and where our best emolument Is In the knowledge that our lives are laid down dally for our master's ause, and our best reward on eartn is the nope of eternal life. Where we read in the ficcs of a devoted people the affection ana gratitude of children, and where day by day we see that steadily, noiselessly, peacefully the seed sown In sorrow and tears Is growing Into a noble tree, under whose branches future generations will praise God In holy harmony and unity of faith. "With our eyes turned toward the great center of unity which, bv God's providence.
Is the fountain of pure doctrine, we cannot stray from the way which points to eternal truth, and while our ears listen willingly to the voice of the supreme pontiff there can be no fear or suspicion of deviating: from perfect Christian unity and catholic sentiment. "It will ever be our aim. by word and example, to strengthen the bond of love and faith between our diocese and the primate of the world, and so. begging of you all. as beloved children in Christ, prieits and people alike, perfect concord of sentiment, cooperation In the great work before us, docility of heart, obedience of discipline, so that we may-all be of one heart and one mind in faith and holy charity, we begin our labors among you.
"God, in that special providence which he exercises over his church, chose for our predecessor a man whose mental abilities were admired by all. whose greatness of heart made him a beloved father ajmong his devoted people eats the bishop, going to the altar, sang the antlshnn and prayers in er day. have gone out with every of rromotles resoltefi from tbe varan caused by the ele, tkn of 1st Lieut William H. Tibbett as captain to soccssd fact that her arrival st Nagasaki has honor of the natron of the church. He deford: Bev A.
Lacrolx. Skpwhrgan: Rev J. P. Gorman. Rev Fr CaVey.
Ler-e. Rev Mnrrin A. 1'larv. Milllnocket: not been reported, lr ts atated at the war department that Cant asaalL who reirrei Cant Tla then conferred on the edifice the title 'Cathedral of the immaculate Concep spare taken. Some even go witnoui staterooms, and this way not too bad a hen one is getting away from such fearful heat- Provincial travel will be rreater this year than ever, ludging BT lert has appointed private Jamas D.
the Indiana wa ordered to come direct. tion of the Virgin Mary," and returned Hughes corporal. and thus no uneasiness on tn.s need be felt- nis inrone. Rev F. Ik.
8t Dominie rortian.t: Rev Fr Morlarlty. Concord. Masa: Rev H. Ronan. Iwell.
Mass; Rev Peter Ronan, Boston; Rev W. F. Walsh. Calais; Rov John J. Ahem.
Eastport; Rev P. the demand for advertising matter as reported at the various offices. Th She carries tne 9tn. jpth ana Ba com Bishop Bradley's Sermon. panics of coast artillery and tbe 1st and Cr.rle Sim-John Bull folder is particu J.
Flnnegan. PR. Portsmouth; Rev tr th field batteries. Bishop Bradley, advancing to the Kswr England to San Francis asm Return, for Less 1 baa One Single afar. Aflerho can should take advantage of -hia low rata off are by tbe ChleaflO A North-Western Ry.
on account of Kp- larly sought after, perhaps on account She lett Manila on Jor.e and Is ex Itax, knelt in silent prayer. This fln of its patriotic design. pected to arrive at Ban Francisco in superior, so faithful to its people, among shed, ho ascended the pMlptt and de about aays. then atienoea tne dinner or the clergy. With the bishop, assisting him In many-ways during his first day as bishop of Portland, were several old friends, including Rev Fr Byrne.
Rev FV Anderson. Rev Fr Daly. Rev Fr Smith and Rev Fr Ronan of Boston, and his loyal, personal. Intimate friend. Rev Fr Mortar-it of Concord, who seemed as delighted over the elevation of his friend as if it were himself thus honored.
Among the priests noticed in the procession, other than those already mentioned, were Very Rev E. M. O'Calia-ghan VG. Concord. Rev E.
P. Lin-ahan. Biddeford; Rev T. H. Wallace.
Lewlston: Rev Ft 81orma, Lewlston; Rev Edward F. McS weeny, Bangor; Rev livered an eloquent sermon, saying in I-awe convention in Death of ror Peter Guthrie Talt. LONDON. July 4 Peter Guthrie Talt. nmfeaanr of natural philosophy at Edln- Oanboata A at Sa part: Sulilvan.
rector or the cathedral, uom-ton; Rev Y. C. Msdeau. Rev P. A.
Mo-tin. Rev Thomas Fonin, Rostnn; Rev J. McCarthy, Houlton: Rev P. Bradley. Lisbon.
American Scholarship Bonorad Abroad Prof Freeman M. Jossrlyn Jr. of tho romance department of Boston university, who year waa mads a mr- I Trakef good on all regular trains. alo cablegram I on as-, I train lud Mr psrtiee now bo-sent t.vtav I ins orrranlxed from Bostrn and CWaago. laai a WASHINGTON.
July 4 A bure university since 1SS9. died this 'Many among you here today will doubtless remember that 27 years since It was my melancholy duty to announce aaBBaaatvetft at the navv deiartmeii a ciergy so naruwu.nns, bo ueiuiea, so self-sacrificing. "It Is a glorious privilege for all of us bishop and clergy, to be the pioneers of the faith, the sowers of the seed, to be, as we still are. missionaries In a land where even yet our religion is not understood, our work misconstrued, our lives misinterpreted, where if the labor is hard and often discuwauie, Cur.k f-tr. Re AHaaale-l Kaa ns row, trom this very place, tne aeam morning.
A a.immer Shirt. the arrival of lb gunboats Gaardoqut I rickets earl. FuU trticulars at NortA- m-! nrst bishop or fortiana. tne xeai Us and courteous Ulshon Bacon. aca 36 WahinTUn st- All Linen.
E. A W. Ail White. 1 and th PiacaUaOjsa at Gansara, os tbs doctor of the univ rslty of Paris, "Wx months later I Infnraaai you ve ana lerventiy pay uoa.