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ITE Wisconsin Section Yearbook· 2015. 10. 13.· Lastly, I would like to encourage our younger members to Join ITE International in 2015. ... 50 4.7 ITE Annual Section Meeting - [PDF Document] (1)


ITE Wisconsin Section Yearbook

ITE Wisconsin Section Yearbook· 2015. 10. 13.· Lastly, I would like to encourage our younger members to Join ITE International in 2015. ... 50 4.7 ITE Annual Section Meeting - [PDF Document] (2)


Wisconsin Section


Purpose The purpose of the Institute shall be to enable engineers and other professionals with knowledge and competence in transportation and traffic engineering to contribute individually and collectively toward meeting human needs for the support and encouragement of education, stimulation of research, development of public awareness, exchange of professional information, and maintenance of a central point of reference and action.

“Transportation Engineering” is the application of technology and scientific principles in the planning, functional design, operation, and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economically and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods.

“Traffic Engineering” is that phase of transportation engineering which deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets, and highways, their networks, terminal, abutting lands and relationships with other modes of transportation.

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President’s Message It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the Wisconsin Section President for 2014. This year has offered many great opportunities for members to participate in through Section meetings, the annual Traffic Engineering Workshop & Transportation Planning Forum, and two social events. None of these would be possible without the outstanding volunteers that led these events and to the members who participated.

I would like to recognize the efforts and achievements of Section members this past year:

Todd Szymkowski: LeadershipITE 2014 graduate, Nominating Committee Chairman

Susan Paulus: LeadershipITE 2014 graduate

Andrea Bill, Rebecca Szymkowski, Dr. Ghazan Khan, and Dr. David Noyce: Martin Bruening Award recipients (professional)

Peng Li: Martin Bruening Award recipient (student)

Stephan Hoffmann: Martin Bruening Award Chairman

Sean Koslowski: Harvey Shebesta Award recipient

Dawn Krahn: Harvey Shebesta Award Chairman

Allan Pacada: Section Meetings Committee Chairman and Social Events Coordinator

Stacey Pierce: Social Events Coordinator

John Bieberitz: Traffic Engineering Workshop & Transportation Planning Conference Chairman

Gary Rylander: Distinguished Service Award recipient

Rich Coakley: Distinguished Service Award Chairman and Young Professional Award Chairman

Jess Billmeyer: Wisconsin SimCap Users Group Chairman

Shana Brummond: STEM Forward Inc. Leader

Alicia Dougherty: Young Professional Award recipient

Rebecca Szymkowski: Midwestern District incoming Secretary/Treasurer

I would also like to thank our outgoing Board members for their efforts and leadership:

Rich Coakley – Past President; and Jeff Roemer – Affiliate Director.

Lastly, I would like to encourage our younger members to Join ITE International in 2015. Young members will have the opportunity to join international at substantially reduced rates. At 23 years of age the membership will cost $0, and then increase at $30 per year until you reach the age of 30. I ask that all Wisconsin Section members help get the word out to our younger engineers to assist international at recruiting.

Thank you to everyone that has supported me through my years on the board. I look forward to continuing my association with ITE at the Section, District, and International levels for years to come.

Michael C. McCarthy, P.E.

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Wisconsin Section


Table of Contents Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................................1 President’s Message ......................................................................................................................................2 Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................................3 Section Organization .....................................................................................................................................4

1.1 Section Bylaws ...........................................................................................................................4 1.2 Section Policies ....................................................................................................................... 10 1.3 Strategic Plan .......................................................................................................................... 12 1.4 Treasurer’s Yearly Report ....................................................................................................... 18

Section Officers .......................................................................................................................................... 20 2.1 2014 Section Officers ............................................................................................................. 20 2.2 Officer Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 21 2.3 Past President Recognition .................................................................................................... 28

Section Committees ................................................................................................................................... 29 3.1 Committee Overview ............................................................................................................. 29 3.2 Standing Committee Descriptions .......................................................................................... 30 3.3 Committee Bylaws/Organization Guidelines ......................................................................... 34

Section Events ............................................................................................................................................ 44 4.1 2014 Meeting Summary ......................................................................................................... 44 4.2 Wisconsin SimCap Users Group Meetings ............................................................................. 45 4.3 Traffic Engineering Workshop and Transportation Planning Forum ..................................... 47 4.4 Joint Lunch Meeting with ITS Wisconsin ................................................................................ 48 4.5 12th Annual ITE –Wis Social Activities – June 10 and July 23 2014 ....................................... 49 4.6 2014 Joint Western / Midwestern District Meeting .............................................................. 50 4.7 ITE Annual Section Meeting 2014 .......................................................................................... 53

Section Awards and Recognition ................................................................................................................ 56 5.1 Distinguished Service Award .................................................................................................. 56 5.2 Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award ...................................................................................... 57 5.3 Ken Voigt Award. .................................................................................................................... 58 5.4 Martin Bruening Award .......................................................................................................... 59 5.5 Young Professional Award...................................................................................................... 61 5.6 2014 New Members Recognition ........................................................................................... 62

Student Chapters ........................................................................................................................................ 63 6.1 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee .................................................................................... 63 6.2 University of Wisconsin – Platteville ...................................................................................... 64 6.3 University of Wisconsin - Madison ......................................................................................... 66 6.4 Marquette University ............................................................................................................. 68

Section Membership Directory .................................................................................................................. 70

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Wisconsin Section


Section Organization 1.1 Section Bylaws

The Section Bylaws represent the organizational structure of the Wisconsin Section. They cover topics concerning who can be members, how officers are selected, duties and responsibilities of both members and officers, and other important areas needed to maintain a focused understanding of how the Section functions.


ARTICLE I - MEMBERSHIP Section 1.1 Membership of the Section shall consist of those Institute members specified in the

Charter of the Section.

Section 1.2 Persons who fall into one of the following classifications may be affiliated with the Section as Section affiliates. Those who are:

(a) Not eligible to be members of the Institute but who have accumulated experience toward Institute membership;

(b) In sub-professional work in transportation and traffic engineering; (c) Students in a recognized engineering school; (d) Professionally engaged in related fields;

(e) In a position to work with and assist transportation and traffic engineers by virtue of official positions or commercial employment.

Section 1.3 All applications for Section Affiliate except by engineering students shall include as reference the names of not less than five persons to whom the candidate is personally known, at least three of whom shall be Institute members, and the remainder shall be members of the Founder Engineering Societies or persons of recognized engineering reputation. All applications for Section Affiliate by a student shall be certified by a faculty member at the engineering school attended by the applicant.

Section 1.4 The Section Membership Committee shall process applications for Local Section Affiliate, including securing confidential reports from the applicant's references as required. The Section Membership Committee shall forward the application, the applicant's experience record and the confidential reports of the references together with its own recommendation to the executive Board of the Section for final action.

Section 1.5 Prior to final action by the section Executive Board, the members of the Section shall be notified of the name, address and occupation of each applicant for Section Affiliate either by mail or by publication and any member may submit a recommendation to the Section Executive Board.

Section 1.6 Election of Section Affiliates shall be by vote of Executive Board of the Section. An affirmative vote by a majority shall be required for election.

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ARTICLE II - RESIGNATION AND EXPULSION Section 2.1 Any Institute member or any Section Affiliate may resign from the Section by written

communication to the Executive Board of the Section. If the person's Section dues have been paid, the Board shall accept the person's resignation in good standing.

Section 2.2 Any Institute member or any Section Affiliate whose Section dues or fees are more than

six months in arrears shall be dropped from Section affiliation by the Executive Board of the Section, and the unpaid dues and fees shall become an obligation to be paid before the delinquent can be restored to good standing in the Section.

Section 2.3 Any Institute member whose Institute membership has been forfeited shall also forfeit

membership in the Section and will be eligible for membership in the Section only if that person is reinstated to membership in the Institute. Any member of the Institute who is placed on inactive status by the Institute Board of Direction automatically has the same status with the Section.

Section 2.4 Any Section Affiliate who, by reason of any change in occupation or profession, shall

cease to be in contact regularly and frequently with traffic engineers or the traffic engineering profession shall forfeit affiliation with the Section without prejudice.

Section 2.5 The Section Membership Committee shall annually review the qualifications of Section

Affiliates. As soon as any Section Affiliate meets minimum qualifications for Institute membership, the person shall be encouraged to apply for such membership.

Section 2.6 Any Section Affiliate who advertises, uses or attempts to use affiliation with the Section

in any manner whatsoever with intent to derive personal gain there from shall forfeit affiliation with the Section.

Section 2.7 The Executive Board of the Section shall consider the expulsion of any Section Affiliate

(a) upon information coming to its notice, or (b) upon the written request of five or more members, or (c) upon recommendation of the Section Membership Committee that, for the cause set forth, a person identified as a Section Affiliate be expelled. The Section Executive Board shall thereupon follow the procedure set forth in Article II, Section 17 of the Institute Constitution - except that to expel, at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Section Executive Board shall vote for expulsion.

In the event such a charge is brought against a member or an Affiliate of the Institute, the Section Executive Board shall immediately refer the matter to the Institute Board of Direction for handling as provided in article II, Section 17 of the Institute Constitution.

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ARTICLE III - FEES, DUES AND ASSESSMENTS Section 3.1 Annual dues shall be as follows:

(a) Annual Dues, identified in the Wisconsin Section Policies, may be changed by a vote of 2/3 of the Section Board.

Section 3.2 Annual dues and other fees shall be payable at the beginning of the fiscal year, which

shall be January 1 of each year. Dues and other fees of new members and Section Affiliates shall be payable on election, with dues and fees except entrance fees prorated to the number of quarters remaining in the fiscal year.

Section 3.3 Any member or Section Affiliate whose Section dues or fees are more than three (3)

months in arrears shall lose the right to vote. If dues become six (6) months in arrears, action as provided in Article II shall be taken by the Section Executive Board. That Board may, for a cause deemed sufficient, extend the time for payment and for the application of these penalties.

Section 3.4 Special assessments may be proposed by the Executive Board. Such proposals shall be

submitted to all members qualified to vote together with ballots. Voting shall be in accordance with Article VII, Section 7.2 of the Bylaws. An affirmative vote of two thirds of all ballots received by the Secretary within 14 days of submission of the proposal shall constitute acceptance thereof. Ballots shall be canvassed by the executive Board.

Section 3.5 Any Section member who is a member in good standing in the Institute and who has

reached the age of 65 and who has paid the Institute dues above the Student Member level for 25 years, including the current year, shall be exempt from further Wisconsin Section dues.

ARTICLE IV - NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND SECTION REPRESENTATIVES TO DISTRICT BOARD Section 4.1 Officers of the Section shall include: A President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a

Secretary, and one Member Director, together with the immediate Past President, shall constitute the Executive Board of the Section. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Member Director shall be elected annually to assume office on January 1 for a term of one year. There shall also be two Affiliate Directors on the Executive Board who shall be non-voting members except on issues exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Section. One Affiliate Director will be elected annually to assume office on January 1 for a term of two years. An Administrator and a Webmaster shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Executive Board of the Section. The Section Administrator shall be a Section past President. The Section Webmaster shall be a Section Member in good standing. The Section President shall nominate (whether by committee selection process for a recommendation or by direct selection) and the Section Executive Board shall approve the appointment of both the Administrator and Webmaster for a minimum of three years to ensure Section continuity of operations. The Executive Board shall have the authority to review the appointments of the Administrator and Webmaster at any time and shall, at a minimum review the appointments annually.

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Section 4.2 The office of Section Representative to the District Board shall be the Past President. Section 4.3 Only Institute members residing in the Section area may serve on the Executive Board.

No officer of the Section shall succeed oneself after serving a full term in office. Section 4.4 In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, the un-expired term

shall be filled by the Vice-President. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any other elective office, the Section Executive Board shall elect a member to fill the un-expired term.

Section 4.5 The Nominating Committee shall nominate one or more qualified candidates for each

office. A written consent to hold office must be received from each person nominated. The Nominating Committee shall transmit its list of nominees to the Secretary not later than September 15.

Section 4.6 Not later than one week prior to the second meeting in the fall of each year, the

Secretary shall send to the members of the Section a list of candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations of any office may be made by petition, signed by not less than five members. Each such petition shall be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee to run for the office for which that person is nominated and must be received by the Secretary not later than one week after the second meeting in the fall. If a member is nominated for more than one office, that person shall be considered a candidate only for the one office, which that person designated, except that person may also be nominated for Section Representative.

Section 4.7 Not later than two weeks after the second meeting in the fall, the Secretary shall send

to each eligible voter a final ballot, listing the candidates nominated for Officers and Directors and Section Representative. Final ballots returned by eligible voters to the Secretary shall be canvassed at the Annual Meeting by three tellers appointed by the President. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected. In case of a tie vote, the new Executive Board of the Section at their first meeting shall choose between the candidates.

ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 5.1 Regular meetings of the Section shall be held as determined by the Executive Board, but

not less than four meetings a year shall be held. The Section officers may call a special meeting when conditions justify. No action affecting the Section shall be taken at any special meeting however, unless at least fourteen days written notice concerning the matter has been sent to all members.

Section 5.2 The Annual Meeting of the Section shall be held during the period November 15 through

December 15. A report of the financial condition of the Section shall be made by the Treasurer at the Annual Meeting. Committee reports and reports by the President may be made at any meeting.

Section 5.3 Installation ceremonies of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting.

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Section 5.4 Subsection or area meetings may be held at any time not in conflict with Section


ARTICLE VI - GOVERNMENT Section 6.1 The President shall preside at meetings of the Section and of the Executive Board of the

Section provided, however, that when the President is unable to do so, the Vice-President shall preside at meetings and discharge the duties of the President.

Section 6.2 The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating

Committee. Section 6.3 The President shall annually appoint a Nominating Committee no later than August 15.

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three Section members, of whom one, but only one, shall be a member of the Executive Board, who shall not serve as chairman.

Section 6.4 The President shall appoint Standing Committees and such special committees as may

be desirable with the approval of the Section Executive Board. Standing Committees shall include, but not be limited to: Membership, Program and Technical.

ARTICLE VII - VOTING AND VOTING ELIGIBILITY Section 7.1 Voting for officers, for amendments to these Bylaws, for petitions to amend the Charter,

and for other matters, which affect the relationship of the Section to the Institute shall be by secret ballot.

Section 7.2 When such a secret ballot is required, the Secretary shall submit ballots to the voters.

Before the ballots are sent to the membership, the names shall be checked against a list of eligible voters generated by the most recent database of paid members. Those qualified to vote shall indicate their selection on the ballot. The ballots will be received by the Secretary or the Secretary’s designee. In the case of an electronic ballot, a member may request a paper ballot via the on-line service or directly from the Secretary. If a member does not have a valid e-mail on file, a paper ballot shall be sent to the member. In case of a paper ballot, a paper ballot shall be sent to the voter, accompanied by a blank envelope and an envelope addressed to the Secretary. The voter shall indicate their selections on the ballot, seal it in the blank envelope, and insert that envelope in the one addressed to the Secretary. The voter shall affix his/her signature across the back of the addressed envelope.

Section 7.3 Section members are eligible to vote on all matters concerning the Section, District and

Institute. Section 7.4 Section Affiliates are eligible to vote for Affiliate Director and only on those matters

dealing with Section social and financial affairs.

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ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS Section 8.1 Proposals to amend these Bylaws to petition amendments to the Charter may be made

by resolution of the Executive Board of the Section or by written petition signed by at least five (5) voting members.

Section 8.2 Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted to the membership qualified

to vote and shall be on the order of business of the next regular section meeting occurring not less than thirty days subsequently. Such amendments may be amended with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members at the meeting in any manner pertinent to the original amendment. The amendments as originally proposed or as amended at this meeting, shall be submitted to the membership as prescribed in Article VII, Section 7.2 of these Bylaws.

Section 8.3 An affirmative vote of two-thirds of all valid ballots cast shall be necessary to approve

the adoption of any amendments to the Bylaws. Section 8.4 Amendments to the Bylaws so adopted shall take effect when approved by the District

Board and the approved Bylaws filed with the Institute as provided in the Section Charter.

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1.2 Section Policies

Section Policies represent formally approved rules meant to supplement the existing Section Bylaws and/or to document formal decisions regarding specific issues that have been discussed by the Section in previous years. Represented below is the current list of adopted Section policies.

1. Section President's Expenses at Annual Meeting -Adopted, October 20, 1982 Recognizing the advantages and benefits to the Section of the attendance at the Annual ITE Meeting by an official representative, the Wisconsin Section will pay the early, full registration fee for the President or, in his or her absence at the meeting, the Vice-President.

2. Mailing List for Section Meetings - Adopted, October 23, 1968 The Wisconsin Section will not maintain a mailing roster for frequent Section guests, but encourages interested persons to attend Section meetings as guests of individual members.

3. Dinner Reservations at Section Meetings - Adopted, February 17, 1993, Revised December 2011 Those who make a reservation, but cannot attend the meeting, should make an effort to find an alternate. For those that make a reservation, do not attend two or more meetings per year, and/or cancel prior to the deadline listed on the meeting will be billed accordingly for the dinners missed.

4. Guest Dinner Expenses of Section Meetings -Adopted, December 8, 1972 The cost of the dinner for the guest speaker(s) at regular Section meetings shall be paid out of the Section treasury as a Section expense rather than being absorbed by only those attending the meeting.

5. Student Chapter Member(s) Meal Subsidy -Adopted, June 4, 1982 Members of the Wisconsin Section Student Chapters will pay one-half of the stated price of their meal selection, to be rounded up to the nearest $0.25. The Section will pay the difference.

6. Newsletter, Minutes of Meetings and Yearbook -Adopted, 1993, Revised December 2011 The Section Newsletter will be published and sent to members four times per year. The newsletter will also be posted on the section website. The newsletter shall be sent to members along with the meeting announcements for the January, April, July, and October meetings and should contain announcements for all upcoming events and meetings. The newsletter will be the responsibility of the Newsletter Committee, with the incoming Director serving as the Section Newsletter Editor.

Executive Board meeting minutes will be provided only to Board members and will be summarized in the Newsletter by the Editor, as needed. Section meeting programs will be summarized in the Newsletter by the Editor.

The second year Affiliate Director will be responsible for the Yearbook.

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7. Professional Advertising in Newsletter and Website Adopted, 2000 - Revised December 2011 The following table indicates costs for Wisconsin Section members and non-members to advertise in the four newsletters published each year:

Members Non-members

Professional Business Card $50 $100

1/4 Page Ad $100 $150

1/2 Page Ad $150 $200

The following table indicates costs for Wisconsin Section members and non-members to place want ads for “positions available” in the Section Website.

Members Non-members

Website (6 months) $100 $200

8. Newsletter Advertising Eliminated, see #7. Adopted September 1987 - Revised May 2005 9. Section Historian -Adopted, date unknown.

The Section shall appoint a historian to maintain all documents of the Wisconsin Section not required by the Executive Board. At the end of each year, the outgoing President shall pass any appropriate documents to the historian. The historian shall be responsible for organization and maintenance of all Wisconsin Section documents. The 1st Year Affiliate Director shall serve as the section historian.

10. Section Dues – Adopted, January 1, 2000, Revised, Effective May 2005. Section dues are $25.00 for all Institute Members and Affiliates, and all Section Affiliates. There are no Section dues for Honorary or Student Members.

11. Armed Forces Service - Adopted, May 2005. If a Section member is called or ordered to, or retained on, active duty under any of the uniformed services under section 688, 12301(a), 12302, 12304, 12305, or 12406 of title 10, United States Code, chapter 15 of title 10, United States Code, or any other provision of law during a war or during a national emergency declared by the President or Congress, their membership status will be continued without dues payment for any part of a calendar year while serving voluntarily or involuntarily. Elected members of the Wisconsin Section ITE board called to active duty for the same reasons listed above will temporarily lose their position on the board until the next regular election is held after their return to civilian service. The returning member will have the option of running for the last position held or the next position in the normal succession rotation as defined in the Section bylaws. The position vacated will be backfilled at the discretion of the Board.

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1.3 Strategic Plan

The Section Strategic Plan represents a vision of the organization’s priorities and the actions needed to bring about that vision. The plan isn’t meant as a “final” document. It is intended as a “starting point”. The plan should be reviewed and used by members and officers to generate ideas that benefit the Section membership.


A. SECTION MEETINGS Goal A.1: Encourage networking of transportation professionals through convenient and

interesting meetings [Meeting Committee] Actions: 1: Conduct meetings with diverse times, locations and prices 2: Offer diversity of presentation topics/disciplines 3: Investigate joint meetings with other professional organizations

Goal A.2: Provide opportunities for professional development through participation in Section

activities Actions: 1: Promote Section opportunities to new members through welcome package [Vice President] 2: Feature committees at Section Board meetings [President] 3: Implement committee charter to promote involvement [Committee Chairs] 4: Publicize ITE scheduled events on the Section website [Web Editor]

Goal A.3: Inform membership of Section, District 4 and International activities

Actions: 1: Provide links to other web sites [Web Editor] 2: Publicize District 4 and International activities in newsletter [Director] 3: Promote District 4 and International activities at section meetings [President]

B. GROWTH AND DIVERSITY Goal B.1: Maintain positive growth in Section membership.

Actions: 1: Document membership statistics [Vice President] 2: Publicize benefits and costs of affiliate and International memberships [Outreach Committee] 3: Promote membership at Section activities [President] 4: Revamp recruitment award [Outreach Committee] 5: Encourage attendance by non-section members [Section]

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Goal B.2: Increase Section membership diversity Actions: 1: Document membership statistics [Vice President] 2: Co-sponsor events with minority professional organizations [Meeting Committee and Board] 3: Promote the benefits of ITE membership to DBE firms

Goal B.3: Increase public sector participation

Actions: 1: Offer public sector membership and section meeting discounts [Outreach Committee] 2: Target upper level public sector members to recruit and “sponsor” new members [Outreach Committee] 3: Hold meetings at public sector offices [Meeting Committee]

Goal B.4: Increase non-traditional transportation professional participation

Actions: 1: Publicize meetings/workshops/etc. in non-transportation related publications [Meeting Committee and Director] 2: Invite non-traditional speakers [Meeting Committee]

C. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Goal C.1: Understand needs of the Section Membership (including geographical/regional needs)

Actions: 1: Conduct Membership Survey [Outreach Committee] 2: Identify Regional Liaisons within state [Outreach Committee] 3: Investigate statewide chapters [Outreach Committee] 4: Investigate hosting workshop in non-southern Wisconsin [Section Board]

Goal C.2: Enhance the relationship between the District and the Section

Actions: 1: Encourage attendance at District Meetings on web site, in the newsletter and at section meetings [Webmaster, Director, President] 2: Sponsor speakers/board members’ attendance at District board meetings [Board] 3: Sponsor District 4 president’s attendance at Annual Section Meeting [Board] 4: Post yearbooks and newsletters on website [Webmaster]

Goal C.3: Enhance the relationship between the International Institute and the Section

Actions: 1: Encourage attendance at International meetings [Webmaster, Director] 2: Sponsor speakers/board members’ attendance at International board meetings [Board] 3: Post Section meeting announcements in ITE Journal [Meeting Committee]

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D. STUDENT CHAPTERS Goal D.1: Revitalize role of student liaison

Actions: 1: Seek recent alumni as liaison [Vice President] 2: Define roles and responsibilities [Vice President and Liaison] 3: Liaison to make commitment to participate in student chapter meetings.

Goal D.2: Link section resources to student chapters [Secretary]

Actions: 1: Include a student chapter area on website for section resources. 2: Encourage student chapters to annually provide email list of members to section. 3: Include student chapter agenda item for Section Board meetings [President and Vice President]

Goal D.3: Increase section support of student chapters (financial) [Board]

Actions: 1: Establish guidelines for financial support for student chapters. 2: Provide financial incentive to student chapters for submittal of annual report 3: Continue to subsidize half the cost of the student’s registration for meetings and conferences 4: Continue and promote the Harvey Shebesta and Martin Bruening awards

E. RECOGNITION AND AWARDS Goal E.1: Revamp Awards program

Actions: 1: Continue to present the Young Professional and Distinguished Service awards at the December Annual Meeting. 2: Revamp and promote awards. 3: Recognize award recipients in newsletters, yearbook, etc. [Webmaster, Director] 4: Develop recognition program for members [Section President and Vice-President]

F. FINANCIAL STABILITY Goal F.1: Maintain financially viable section.

Actions: 1: Keep meeting costs reasonable to encourage attendance [Meeting Committee] 2: Identify and implement fund raising activities [Board] 3: Promote corporate sponsorship of section activities [Meeting and Workshop Committees]

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G. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Goal G.1: Evaluate committee structure [Section Board]

Actions: 1: Restructure / consolidate committees 2: Align organizations with new charter guidelines.

Goal G.2: Use Committee Charters to define roles and responsibilities

Actions: 1: Committees to complete annual charter information 2: Publicize volunteer opportunities on website and in newsletter [Webmaster and Directors]

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A. WORKSHOPS AND FORUMS Goal A.1: Promote professional development among traditional and non-traditional professionals

Actions: 1: Continued support of Traffic Engineering Workshop, ITS Forum and Transportation Planners Forum [Board, workshop committees] 2: Advertise in publications that cater to non-traditional transportation professionals (law enforcement, developers, elected officials, etc.) 3: Investigate educational joint efforts with other professional organizations [Board, Workshop/Forum Chairs] 4: Co-Sponsor an existing non-traditional event [Board, Outreach] 5: Invite local political and community leaders to relevant Section Meetings [Meeting Committee]

B. PUBLIC RELATIONS Goal B.1: Publicize Section activities, accomplishments and contributions

Actions: 1: Continue to publicize section activities and events in meeting notices and newsletter [Meeting Committee, Director] 2: Increase Internet presence for the Section [Webmaster] 3: Expand section website to include 12-month meeting schedule [Webmaster] 4: Provide links on the section website to ITE international, ITE District 4 and other transportation related websites [Webmaster] 5: Acknowledge accomplishments and contributions of section members in the newsletter, yearbook, etc.

Goal B.2: Support participation by members in public activities

Actions: 1: Co-sponsor conferences and events with other professional organizations 2: Coordinate member involvement in public activities (ESM, adopt-a-highway, science fair judging, etc.) 3: Recognize section member involvement in the newsletter [Director]

Goal B.3: Promote the transportation profession

Actions: 1: Use the awards program to reward excellence in the field of transportation 2: Provide position papers on key transportation issues. 3: Support transportation funding legislation

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Wisconsin Section


C. YOUTH OUTREACH Goal C.1: Join with other organizations to support existing youth outreach efforts

Actions: 1: Identify and support existing youth outreach programs (ESM, Math Counts, Junior Achievement, etc.) 2: Provide financial support for youth outreach events 3: Encourage members to volunteer for local youth outreach programs

Goal C.2: Develop a Section outreach program to meet career guidance needs

Actions: 1: Implement a mentorship program to provide career guidance 2: Identify a section member(s) to lead the effort of establishing the mentorship program 3: Encourage section members to become part of the mentorship program 4: Promote and utilize ITE international resources

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Wisconsin Section


1.4 Treasurer’s Yearly Report

The following table contains the Section’s finances throughout 2013, as well as the Board approved budget for this fiscal year.


Budget Actual Difference Budget


Dues $5,500.00 $4,675.00 -$825.00 $5,500.00

Interest $35.00 $23.94 -$11.06 $35.00

Miscellaneous $25.00 $39.00 $14.00 $25.00

Section Meetings (Breakfast/Luncheon/Dinner) $4,000.00 $4,236.50 $236.50 $4,000.00

Section Social Event $2,000.00 $0.00 -$2,000.00 $2,000.00

Traffic Engineering Workshop

Transportation Planning Forum

Advertising $250.00 $488.05 $238.05 $500.00

Total Income $24,460.00 $23,163.61 -$1,296.39 $25,900.00


Awards_Martin Bruening and plaques $1,000.00 $743.73 $256.27 $1,000.00

Election - Section Officers $50.00 $69.36 -$19.36 $75.00

STEM Forward Sponsorship $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 $250.00

Miscellaneous $300.00 $253.83 $46.17 $300.00

Officer Meeting Registration $650.00 $675.00 -$25.00 $700.00

Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Fund $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00

Ken Voigt Award $1,000.00 $1,675.00 -$675.00 $1,700.00

Section Administrator Stipend $0.00 $100.00 -$100.00 $500.00

Section Meetings (Breakfast/Luncheon/Dinner) $5,000.00 $5,470.66 -$470.66 $5,000.00

Section Social Event $3,000.00 $250.00 $2,750.00 $3,000.00

Student Chapter Support $2,000.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00

Traffic Engineering Workshop

Transportation Planning Forum

TRB Wisconsin Reception* $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00

Web Site Maintenance $360.00 $360.00 $0.00 $360.00

ITE Leadership $0.00 $500.00 -$500.00 $500.00

ITE Annual Meeting Reception Sponsorship $0.00 $250.00 -$250.00 $250.00

Total Expenditures $28,045.00 $24,296.26 $3,748.74 $31,055.00

Net Change -$3,585.00 -$1,132.65 -$5,045.13 -$5,155.00

Adjustments $0.00

Total Profit (Loss) -$1,132.65

* These items were paid in December 2013 for 2014

$12,685.00 $11,698.68 $986.32 $13,670.00


$12,650.00 $13,701.12 $1,051.12 $13,840.00

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Wisconsin Section


2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 10 2 0 11 2 0 12 2 0 13

Account Reconciliat ion -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- $0.00

M idwest District Distribut ion -- $1,453.15 $1,047.53 -- --- -- -- -- --- $0.00

Donations -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- $0.00

Dues $4,265.00 $2,604.00 $4,960.00 $4,900.00 $4,115.00 $6,020.00 $5,510.00 $5,600.00 $5,898.03 $4,675.00

Interest $1.22 -- $118.57 $99.78 $87.31 $8.67 $83.86 $36.28 $36.17 $23.94

ITE Annual M eeting -- -- $4,701.00 -- --- --- --- --- --- $0.00

ITS Forum $8,950.00 $7,715.00 $1,660.73 -- --- --- --- --- --- $0.00

ITS Forum (previous year) -- -- -- -- $1,118.19 --- --- --- --- $0.00

M iscellaneous $775.00 $440.00 -- -- $2,644.92 --- $36.73 $15.77 $60.00 $39.00

PTOE Refresher Course -- -- $500.00 -- --- --- --- --- --- $0.00

Sect ion M eetings (Breakfast/Luncheon/Dinner) $5,285.00 $6,699.00 $6,035.50 $5,147.50 $4,040.00 $5,198.50 $2,666.00 $4,847.00 $3,544.00 $4,296.50

Sect ion Social Event -- -- -- $5,150.00 $4,875.00 $3,995.00 $880.00 $1,627.00 $1,373.00 $0.00

HCM Training Class -- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- $12,284.40 $0.00

Traff ic Engineering Workshop $5,161.00 $6,481.00 $4,715.00

Transportat ion Planning Forum $3,695.00 -- --

Advert ising $1,500.00 $1,875.00 $1,575.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $2,625.00 $521.95 $1,323.05 $442.50 $488.05

Tot al Income $2 9 ,6 3 2 .2 2 $2 7,2 6 7.15 $2 5,3 13 .3 3 $2 5,2 6 8 .2 8 $2 7,4 76 .4 2 $2 8 ,54 2 .17 $2 2 ,0 50 .3 1 $2 5,0 6 2 .3 2 $3 4 ,8 2 7.2 5 $2 3 ,2 2 3 .6 1

Account Reconciliat ion -- -- $131.00 -- -$56.24 -- -- -- -- $0.00

M art in Bruening Award $1,294.89 $870.58 $1,152.67 $695.29 $1,282.72 $948.19 $400.00 $1,004.95 $1,159.57 $400.00

Bank Fees $2.10 $0.10 -- $3.30 $30.00 --- --- --- -- $35.00

Copying, postage supplies $3,983.83 $349.90 $672.29 $233.91 $930.30 --- --- $23.78 $72.35 $0.00

Award Plaques -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $343.73

Elect ion - Sect ion Off icers -- -- -- $1,063.21 $967.06 $169.92 $187.20 $206.59 $38.76 $69.36

STEM Forward Sponsorship $250.00 -- $250.00 $250.00 $200.00 $240.00 $250.00 $500.00 $250.00 $0.00

ITE Annual M eeting -- -- $4,271.10 -- --- --- --- --- -- $0.00

ITE Internat ional VP Candidate Expenses -- -- -- $1,245.02 --- --- --- --- -- $0.00

ITE Internat ional: M illenium Fund/80th -- -- -- -- --- --- --- $500.00 -- $0.00

ITS Forum $7,466.00 $3,393.04 -- -- --- --- --- --- -- $0.00

M iscellaneous $672.23 $876.56 $915.14 $250.00 $949.98 $313.26 $485.32 $218.35 $88.13 $218.83

Off icer M eeting Registrat ion $320.69 $745.00 $555.00 $1,116.41 -- $344.00 --- --- $650.00 $675.00

PTOE Refresher Course -- -- $326.14 -- -- $500.00 --- --- -- $0.00

Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Fund $672.23 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 -- $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00

Ken Voigt Award -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $1,000.00 $1,675.00

Sect ion Act ivit ies Award -- -- -- $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 --- $300.00 $300.00 $0.00

Sect ion M eetings (Breakfast/Luncheon/Dinner) $5,143.52 $6,718.55 $6,835.74 $5,243.80 $6,059.46 $6,121.08 $3,305.56 $5,665.65 $4,364.79 $5,470.66

Sect ion Social Event -- -- -- $5,430.00 $5,180.00 $5,930.00 $1,904.24 $1,342.00 $1,389.50 $250.00

SmartWays Wisconsin -- $2,010.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $0.00

Special Projects -- $2,000.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $0.00

Student Chapter Support $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 -- $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00

HCM Training Class -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $9,014.85 $0.00

Traff ic Engineering Workshop $3,425.35 $4,601.40 $3,783.34

Transportat ion Planning Forum $3,043.47 -- --

TRB Wisconsin Recept ion $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 -- $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00

ITE Leadership Sponsorship -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $500.00

ITE Annual M eeting Receopt ion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $250.00

Web Site M aintenance -- -- -- -- $360.00 $760.00 $900.00 $720.00 $360.00 $360.00

Administrator Posit ion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- $100.00

Yearbook Print ing $1,295.95 $1,014.90 $1,949.59 $1,033.74 $965.94 $1,288.72 $1,188.41 $315.45 -- $0.00

Tot al Expend it ures $2 8 ,770 .2 6 $2 4 ,78 0 .53 $2 3 ,0 9 2 .0 1 $2 4 ,54 4 .9 2 $2 3 ,8 8 7.4 7 $3 0 ,9 55.11 $2 2 ,18 5.11 $2 3 ,4 4 9 .0 2 $3 1,112 .3 5 $2 4 ,2 9 6 .2 6

N et C hange $8 6 1.9 6 $2 ,4 8 6 .6 2 $2 ,2 2 1.3 2 $72 3 .3 6 $3 ,58 8 .9 5 - $2 ,4 12 .9 4 - $13 4 .8 0 $1,6 13 .3 0 $3 ,714 .9 0 - $1,0 72 .6 5



$8,796.00 $10,695.00

$9,339.94$6,518.25 $10,152.25



$11,189.15 $13,701.12


ITE Wisconsin Section

2013 Year End Treasurer's Report

2005 thru 2013 Balances



Expend it ures

The following table contains the Sections finances through 2013, compared to previous fiscal year’s expenses.

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Wisconsin Section


Section Officers 2.1 2014 Section Officers

Section volunteers give considerable time and effort keeping the Section operating. Over the last year the following individuals have done an outstanding job as Section Officers, volunteering their time and talents in service on the Section Board. If you know any of these individuals please thank them for their current and past efforts.

2014 - ITE WI SECTION OFFICERS President: Mike McCarthy

Vice-President: Dawn Krahn

Treasurer: Stephan Hoffmann Secretary: Brian Porter

Director: Yang Tao Past President: Richard Coakley

Affiliate Director (2nd-Yr): Jeff Roemer Affiliate Director (1st-Yr): Stacey Pierce

2014 ITE Board Dawn Krahn, Brian Porter, Mike McCarthy, Stephan Hoffmann, Yang Tao, Rich Coakley, Jeff Roemer, Stacey Pierce

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Wisconsin Section


2.2 Officer Responsibilities

Following sections provide a brief outline of each Section Officer Position and the duties and responsibilities it entails.


1. Serve as an officer of the Midwestern District executive board. Attend the Midwestern District meeting and Midwestern District Board meeting, and report at the District Board and General Business meetings on Section Financial status, technical activities and other activities. Report to the Section on the District meeting activities.

2. Responsible for Young Professionals Award application, selection and distribution at the Section Annual meeting.

3. Responsible for the Distinguished Service award recruitment, selection and distribution at the Section Annual meeting.

-Adopted 2000, Revised December 2011


1. Schedule Executive Board meetings. Board meetings are typically held immediately prior to a Section meeting, except for breakfast meetings, when the Board meeting is typically held immediately following the Section meeting. Schedule an Executive Board transition meeting between the December and January Section meetings.

2. Prepare agendas for Executive Board meetings and distribute to Board members at least five

days prior to the meeting.

3. Preside at all Executive Board and Section meetings.

4. Prepare the Section meeting schedule for the year for approval by the newly elected Executive Board at the transition meeting. The schedule should cover the year of the President’s term and go through the following May in order to provide sufficient advance notice for publication in the ITE Journal and restaurant reservations by the Section Meeting Committee. The Section Annual Meeting is typically held in early December and, according to the Section Bylaws, must be held during the period of December 1 through December 15. An attempt should be made to avoid a conflict of the January meeting with TRB week, the February meeting with Ash Wednesday, and the April meeting with the week of Good Friday.

5. Appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, leaders of the Section’s Standing

Committees. Appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board a Section Administrator and Section Webmaster. Appoint, as requested, a representative to International ITE Committees.

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Wisconsin Section


6. Update the Wisconsin Section letterhead with new officers as soon as possible following the results of the annual officer elections.

7. Act as the liaison to ITE International.

a. At Section meetings or through newsletters, communicate information of interest between ITE International and the Section membership, including ITE International goals and objectives, financial and membership status, and other items of business.

b. Attend the International Annual Meeting as a representative of the Section and report to the Section on the Annual Meeting activities.

c. Respond to inquiries from ITE International as needed. d. Send copies of written correspondence with ITE International to the Midwestern District

International Director. 8. Provide suggestions and guidance on behalf of the Executive Board to the Section Standing

Committees regarding their activities. 9. Prepare the Section Activities report and submit to the Midwestern District ITE upon request. 10. Sign approved membership applications as needed at the request of the Vice President.

11. Have the Past President’s Plaque prepared and present Annual meeting.

12. Appoint a Nominating Committee by August 15 in accordance with Section 6.3 of the Section

Bylaws to select candidates for the Section officers for the following year. Announce the officer candidates at Section meetings, and inform the membership of the procedure outlined in Section 4.6 of the Section Bylaws to make additional nominations for any elected office.

13. Appoint an Audit Committee of three Section members, chaired by the President, to conduct a

year-end financial audit.

14. Beginning in September, see that the upcoming Martin Bruening Award Competition is publicized at Section meetings, in newsletters, and in communication with the Student Chapters.

15. Prepare a President’s Message for publication in the Section Yearbook and in Section


16. Provide a brief welcome at the Traffic Engineering Workshop and Transportation Planning Forum.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011

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Wisconsin Section



1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board and preside at Section and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President and otherwise discharge the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so.

2. Serve as Leader of the Membership Committee.

a. Actively promote and encourage ITE membership to qualified candidates. b. Process membership applications.

i. Upon receipt of an application, check for completeness. Sign and date complete applications.

ii. Present completed applications to the Executive Board at their next meeting. Provide copies of applications to the Secretary for inclusion in the Minutes and membership database, to the Treasurer for dues notice, and to the Affiliate Director (2nd Year) for inclusion in the Yearbook.

iii. Applications are presented at a second Executive Board meeting and moved for acceptance or rejection. The Leader will then:

1. Have the Section President sign the application form. 2. Send a letter welcoming the new Section Affiliate or Member to the

Section and advise the individual of the amount of dues to be sent to the Treasurer. A copy of the letter will be sent to the Treasurer.

3. Encourage new members to become active in the Section, and welcome new members at Section meetings, introducing them to the Section membership at Section meetings.

4. Handle such other details relating to the membership of any person as the Executive Board may direct.

3. Serve as Leader of the Section’s Scholarship Committee.

a. On or about October 1, applications for the Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award are to be prepared and distributed to Student Chapter Faculty Advisors at Marquette University, UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Platteville. Any other college or university in Wisconsin offering a Transportation Engineering or Transportation Planning curriculum will also be included.

b. The deadline for acceptance of the applications should be approximately November 15. No more than two applications are to be accepted from students at any single university.

c. Completed applications and any desired evaluation forms are to be distributed to the other Committee members for ranking based on the Award criteria.

d. The Award recipient and all other applicants are to be notified in writing of the decision of the Scholarship Committee. The Award recipient is to be invited to the December Annual Section meeting as a guest of the Wisconsin Section for an award presentation. The recipient may bring a guest at the Section’s expense.

e. Arrange for preparation of a Certificate of Award to be presented to the Scholarship winner at the Annual meeting.

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Wisconsin Section


4. Serve as the Leader of Student Chapter Liaisons a. Appoint a Section member as liaison for each Student Chapter. b. Communicate with the Student Chapter Presidents and Advisors through the liaisons to

invite them and their members to attend Student Recognition Night meetings and to inform them of other items of interest such as Midwestern District and ITE International student competitions.

c. Communicate with Student Chapter Presidents and Advisors through the liaisons regarding opportunities for financial support offered by the Section including requirements and deadlines.

5. Bring the Section Banner to all Section meetings and store it between meetings.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011


1. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Responsible for the Section’s financial accounts including:

a. Reconciling account balances for each Treasurer’s report at each Executive Board

meeting. b. Provide Treasurer’s report at each Section meeting. c. Keep sufficient funds in the checking account to meet Section meeting expenses. d. Complete paperwork to transfer signatories on Section accounts following annual officer


3. Responsible for Section membership dues including: a. Sending an annual dues notice with the December meeting notice. b. Status of each member’s dues. c. Sending a delinquent dues notice (first notice sent with March meeting notice and the

second notice sent with May meeting notice).

4. Prepare year-end Treasurer’s Report and present to Executive Board at the transition meeting. 5. Prepare upcoming year’s budget for consideration by the Executive Board at the transition


6. Review and reconcile the receipts for meal payments and bills at each Section meeting. Responsible for using ITE accounts to cover the balance due to the restaurant/meal provider.

7. Prepare list of eligible voters with classifications for Section voting activities.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011

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Wisconsin Section



1. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Record and prepare minutes of all Executive Board meetings. Provide copies of the minutes to

members of the Board within two weeks following the meeting.

3. Send list of candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee to the Section members by October 15 and indicate procedure for additional nominations.

4. Send the final ballot, listing the candidates nominated for officers and directors to each eligible

voter by November 15.

5. In the absence of the Administrator Position, manage the section e-mail inbox and respond to e-mails and/or forward e-mails to other Board members, as appropriate.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011


1. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Serve as Editor for the Section Newsletter

a. Publish four newsletters per calendar year. The newsletter should be sent to members in January, April, July, and October.

b. The contents of the newsletter should include: i. President’s Message

ii. Section meeting program summaries iii. General membership news iv. Appropriate Midwestern District/International ITE items v. Miscellaneous news of interest to Section Members

vi. Approved annual budget (January issue) c. Responsible for taking Section program notes at each meeting for the newsletter

summaries. d. Solicit articles for publication from other Section Officers, Committee Leaders, and

the membership.

- Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011

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Wisconsin Section



1. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Solicit firms, manufacturers, and vendors as appropriate for advertising in the Section Yearbook.

Affiliate Director – 2nd Year is responsible for the collection of fees related to advertisem*nts and ensuring that all parties purchasing advertisem*nt space are listed in the Yearbook.

3. Prepare Yearbook for publication and send “Thank You” letters to all parties purchasing

advertisem*nt space and advise them that extra copies of the Yearbook are available if they desire. Place yearbook without membership list on the Section website prior to the Annual Meeting. Send membership directory to members and notify them that the yearbook is available on the Section website.

4. Request via the Student Chapter Liaisons each Student Chapter Officer and Membership list for

inclusion in the Yearbook.

5. Obtain a President’s message, Committee rosters, membership report, updated membership roster, and Treasurer’s report from the appropriate Officers for inclusion in the Yearbook.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011


1. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Take pictures during Section Meetings, Workshops, Social Events, and other Section

activities for inclusion in the Yearbook and Section newsletters. Pictures should be taken of special guests, award or scholarship recipients, and visiting District or International Officers and speakers.

3. Update the Section Policies and Bylaws as changes are approved for inclusion in the next

edition of the Yearbook.

-Adopted 2009, Revised December 2011

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Wisconsin Section



1. Serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Section Executive Board. Attend Executive Board meetings to provide input and feedback concerning Board actions and other matters to come before this group. Support Board policies and Section activities.

2. Assist the Section Secretary in the administration of the annual Section officer/director

election process. Serve on the Teller’s Committee to canvas election results. 3. Assist the Section Treasurer in the consistent administration of the Section finances.

4. Maintain a list of all past Section Board members and award recipients. 5. Work with the Vice-President and Affiliate Director – 1st Year to update and maintain a list of

Student Advisors and Officers including contact information. 6. Update and maintain a list of all Section Committee chairs, their duties, and contact

information. 7. Assist the Section President in the preparation and submittal of award applications at the

District or International Level. Awards include, but are not limited to: Section Activities Award, Newsletter Award, and Website Award.

8. Maintain all of the Section’s historical records and archives including, but not limited to,

Board meeting minutes, Treasurer’s reports, correspondence, meeting agendas, committee reports, membership applications, meeting notices, and newsletters.

9. Notify International ITE with updated information including newly elected Section Executive

Board members and meeting schedule. 10. Participate in the periodic review of proposed by-law changes for general compliance with

ITE guidelines and requirements.

11. Perform updates or notify the section webmaster of updates to the Section membership email list

12. Coordinate with the Section President and notify the Section Webmaster of regular updates

to the Section Website

13. Access Section post office mailbox and email account on a regular basis. Distribute messages to board members as needed.

14. Perform other duties as assigned by the Section Executive Board.

-Adopted 2012

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Wisconsin Section


2.3 Past President Recognition

The following table lists the 48 individuals that have held the office of Section President since 1966. We are thankful for these leaders and their service to the Section.

1966 Harvey Shebesta 1990 Daniel C. Dettmann 1967 William L. Marvin 1991 Robert W. Bryson 1968 Floyd I. Jones 1992 George Gundersen 1969 William E. Creger 1993 Van Walling 1970 Harry O. Price, Jr. 1994 James H. Ito 1971 Raymond T. Dwyer 1995 John M. Corbin 1972 Warren O. Somerfeld 1996 Peter F. Rusch 1973 Ronald C. Sonntag 1997 Julie L. Hoppe 1974 Dale J. Borell 1998 Edward Friede 1975 Tomas A. Winkel 1999 Steve Cyra 1976 Harvey K. Hammond 2000 Chris J. Fornal 1977 Thomas E. Carlsen 2001 David C. Dryer 1978 Wayne R. Higgins 2002 Jay R. Obenberger 1979 Kenneth H. Voigt 2003 Pat Hawley 1980 Gordon W. Mueller 2004 Cecile L. Pieroni 1981 William D. Berg 2005 Todd Szymkowski 1982 Richard J. Butula 2006 Shana Mogensen 1983 Albert J. Veteri 2007 Dave Platz 1984 William Bremer 2008 David Jolicoeur 1985 Robert L. Smith, Jr. 2009 Katie Belmore 1986 Frank A. Balestreri 2010 Anne Reshadi 1987 Thomas N. Notbohm 2011 Rebecca Szymkowski 1988 Robert I. Moe 2012 John Bruggeman 1989 Kenneth R. Graham 2013 Richard Coakley

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Wisconsin Section


Section Committees 3.1 Committee Overview

The Wisconsin Section currently has 9 standing committees and 4 special appointments. The standing groups represent ongoing yearly efforts by the Section. These groups typically handle awards, annual events, and routine Section functions. The Special committees are short-term efforts focused on unique Section initiatives. The Section Board also makes “special appointments” for the purpose of identifying individuals with Section specific responsibilities such as the case of Section liaisons and historians. These groups of committees and appointments are summarized in the following Sections.

STANDING COMMITTEES The following are Section Standing Committees:

1. Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award Committee

2. Ken Voigt Award Committee

3. Martin Bruening Award Committee

4. Section Meetings Committee

5. Traffic Engineering Council

6. Traffic Engineering & Planning Workshop Council

7. Distinguished Service Award and Young Professional Award Committees

8. Nominating Committee

9. Wisconsin SimCAP Users Group

SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS The following are special appointments made by the Section Board:

1. Section Historian

2. Yearbook Editor

3. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

4. Student Chapter Liaisons

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Wisconsin Section


3.2 Standing Committee Descriptions

The following provides descriptions for each of the Section’s standing committees. A few of the committees have also adopted or are in the process of adopting internal bylaws/organizational guidelines. When available these guidelines are also provided in the following section.

HARVEY SHEBESTA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award is presented annually by the Section to encourage students to consider Transportation Engineering in their studies and career aspirations through financial support. The award is typically given to students who’ve demonstrated interest and are likely to work in the transportation field. The Scholarship consists of an award of $1,500, which is used to offset educational costs. Harvey Shebesta worked for the State of Wisconsin for over forty years. He was involved with the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of most of the interstate system in the southeast part of the state. He served as District Director for his last 22 years with the State Department of Transportation. Mr. Shebesta holds a BSCE from the University of Wisconsin and a Certificate from the Yale Bureau of Highway Traffic.

Harvey joined ITE in 1954 and was a member of the Executive Board of the old Midwest Section. He was instrumental in forming the Wisconsin Section and served as its Charter President. He was the Head of Department 3 (Section Technical Activities) of the Institute’s Technical Council from 1967 - 1968. In 1969 he was the Chairman of the Wisconsin Section Technical Committee. From 1970 - 1972 he served as Director of District IV. He was elected by his peers to serve as ITE’s International Vice President in 1979, and then as International President in 1980.

He also served ITE as Chairman of the ITE Traffic Technician Curriculum Steering Committee and Director of the ITE Midwest Section. He has presented papers at over twenty ITE meetings, Section meetings and conferences of sister associations. He has spoken on topics ranging from “Professional Responsibility” to “How Your Highway Dollars Are Spent.” In 1977 Harvey served President of the Wisconsin Section of ASCE.

Harvey accomplished many things while with the State of Wisconsin. Upon his assignment as District Engineer (now District Director), he initiated a program, in cooperation with the Southeastern Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC), in which WIDOT personnel were assigned to SEWRPC for periods of six to eighteen months depending upon ongoing Planning Commission activities. Through this program, WIDOT personnel gained firsthand, on-the-job experience in the long range planning process while serving as temporary staff to SEWRPC. This program also developed a “reserve” staff from which SEWRPC could, when necessary, draw experienced help requiring little or no detailed instruction or additional training in planning activities.

Harvey did not seek accolades. He concentrated on getting the job done efficiently and expeditiously. Above all, he is a consummate professional whose career spanned the turbulent years of urban freeway construction. His interpersonal skills and demeanor served him well as he worked to enhance mobility and safety within an environment of the dynamic politics of Southern Wisconsin. He performed skillfully in an era of changing expectations and constrained fiscal and human resources.

Harvey Shebesta from

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KEN VOIGT AWARD The Ken Voigt Award, sponsored and funded by the ITE Wisconsin Section, annually recognizes a young professional professional(s) paper which best represents knowledge of, and incorporates sound original thought and ideas into the field of transportation or traffic planning/engineering.

Ken is active in his profession, teaches the next generation of engineers and gives back to all of us through his lifelong involvement with ITE.

His experience on large, complex corridor management projects ranging from capacity improvements to ITS applications, along with his common-sense approach to traffic management, provides insight into solving clients' traffic problems. His public involvement skills make a real difference in how projects are received.

Analysis and study types include conducting traffic safety studies, freeway and roadway operation analysis, traffic calming, corridor and neighborhood street system design. He has led numerous focus group sessions to build consensus and to develop a context-sensitive design approaches to projects.

He teaches courses on environmental impacts of transportation systems and traffic engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; he has also taught intersection safety and design, roundabouts, pedestrian and bicycle faculty design and traffic impacts of land development courses for the University of Wisconsin Engineering Extension. Ken has also been assisting the Congress for the New Urbanism as a Board Director and instructor of context sensitive walkable thoroughfare design.

Ken's actively involved with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) throughout his career, serving in 2009 as its International President. He was the founder of the ITE National Collegiate Traffic Bowl and has given numerous talks to student groups about career building and the importance of their involvement with the Institute. Ken sees students as the future of our profession and stresses the benefits students can gain from ITE membership through chapter leadership experience, continuing knowledge development and network building which is always a question on the university course final exams that he teaches. As a professor, Ken states he has two jobs: the first is to teach an understanding of transportation knowledge areas and the second is to help his students get jobs upon graduation.

Ken Voigt from

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MARTIN BRUENING AWARD The Wisconsin Section, in recognition, annually presents the Martin Bruening Award for papers by its members based upon the knowledge and incorporation of sound original thought and ideas into the field of transportation or traffic planning/engineering. Mr. Bruening was not only a leader in Milwaukee but was recognized as a national leader.

Martin Bruening’s career in traffic engineering spanned 48 years, all with the city of Milwaukee. He began in 1924 as a junior draftsman, was promoted to become Milwaukee’s first traffic engineer, and retired in 1972 as superintendent of the Bureau of Traffic Engineering and Electrical Services. He took a two-year drafting course at the Boys Technical High School and went to work with Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing as a draftsman in the hydraulic turbine department. He then enrolled in night courses at the University of Wisconsin, obtaining his credits in engineering and becoming registered as a professional engineer.

He constantly emphasized the three Es of traffic safety (Engineering, Education, and Enforcement) and the necessity of the coordination of geometric design and traffic control. He was particularly noted for the concept of complete intersection design, integrating channelization, signalization, signs, and markings. In his words, a successful intersection design “makes the right thing to do the easy and efficient way for both vehicle drivers and pedestrians.” His sound geometric design principles and early attention to good traffic signal design and operation were partly responsible for Milwaukee's consistent first place ranking in traffic safety for cities in its population class.

Bruening was an early advocate of progressive signal timing and employed many innovations in Milwaukee’s traffic signal program. He would often use unusual graphic harts, hand-drawn by staff under close direction, showing green bands of progressive flow to explain the impacts of unwarranted traffic signals with poor spacing on a given signal system.

The city’s first origin and destination survey in 1946, conducted under Bruening’s direction, formed the basis of Milwaukee’s early freeway system. He preached and practiced the concept of a balanced, multimodal transportation system long before it was mandated by legislation. In 1969, he was invited to testify before Congress to support such a change, including use of the gas tax to fund mass transit.

Bruening was active in the International Municipal Signal Association and the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and was very interested in providing traffic control devices to aid pedestrians. As a result of his work, Milwaukee equipped all of its traffic signals with the early “WALK” lights in the 1960s. He was one of the early experts in traffic signal control, drafting many of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ provisions that were adopted in the 1960s.

Although Bruening believed in and was professionally involved in the planning and design of Milwaukee's freeway system to ensure the coordination and design for traffic operations on the local street system, he consistently warned of the necessity for a balanced transportation system. He authored several reports on the financially favored position of the automobile over mass transit, and advocated a metropolitan transit authority and mass transit subsidy.

Martin Bruening joined ITE in 1937. He was an active member of the Midwest Section before Wisconsin had enough members for a section of its own. He often led a group of staff to Chicago for the local section meetings. In 1966, he was a charter member of the newly created Wisconsin Section. Bruening is an honorary member of the Institute.

Martin Bruening from

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SECTION MEETINGS COMMITTEE Duties of the Committee include planning, organizing, and operating the meetings of the Wisconsin Section. This includes arranging for a speaker/program, arranging the venue/location, planning the menu, and handling signup and check in at the meeting.

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING COUNCIL (TEC) The TEC was established in 1996. The primary purpose of the TEC is to provide a forum for the discussion of traffic engineering topics. The organized collection, exchange, and dissemination of urban traffic engineering knowledge, concerns, and/or solutions should improve the effectiveness and efficiency of TEC members. Many jurisdictions have similar concerns within the traffic engineering arena, and in some cases these concerns have already been addressed. The presentations and discussion at the annual TEC meetings address the most current urban traffic engineering concerns in Wisconsin and nationally. Another objective of the TEC is to suggest traffic engineering legislative updates that the Wisconsin Section of ITE may want to support.

TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & PLANNING WORKSHOP COUNCIL The Traffic Engineering Workshop Committee oversees the planning of the Annual event formerly known as the Small Communities Workshop. One meeting is held in summer to reserve a date and location for the next workshop and review the previous evaluations. From these evaluations, the top topics are chosen for the workshop. The committee meets monthly from November through March over lunch to determine speakers, format, time frames, meal selection and costs.

DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD AND YOUNG PROFESSIONAL AWARD COMMITTEE The Past President and his Committee are responsible for the Young Professionals Award and Distinguished Service Award. These Awards focuses on recognizing outstanding Section members who have provided years of service to their profession or are younger members emerging as leaders in their chosen careers.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating one or more qualified candidates for each open position on the ITE board. This includes obtaining a written consent to hold office from each candidate.

WISCONSIN SIMCAP USERS GROUP SimCap is a traffic simulation and capacity users group, sponsored by the ITE International Traffic Engineering Council. It provides a forum for engineers, planners, and technicians to discuss traffic analysis methodologies and processes.

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3.3 Committee Bylaws/Organization Guidelines

A few of the existing Section standing committees have also adopted or are in the process of adopting internal bylaws or organizational guidelines. Previously adopted or pending committee guidelines are provided herein. Committees with Bylaws/Organizational Guidelines:

1. Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award Committee

2. Ken Voigt Award Committee

3. Martin Bruening Award Committee

4. Section Meetings Committee

5. Traffic Engineering Council

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HARVEY SHEBESTA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD COMMITTEE Guidelines -adopted 2004 SECTION 1: “Name of Committee” Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award Committee SECTION 2: “Committee Chair “ The Vice President of the Section Serves as Chair. SECTION 3: “Committee Members” The Vice President solicits input from 2 to 5 additional section members to review, and judge the applications and the specific criteria. SECTION 4: “Mission Statement” The HARVEY SHEBESTA SCHOLARSHIP was created to encourage students to pursue a career in transportation. The award was named for Harvey Shebesta, the founding member of the WI Section of ITE in 1966. SECTION 5: “Eligibility” Any student enrolled in a university in the state of Wisconsin, either a full-time undergraduate or graduate with coursework and career goals emphasizing transportation. The application includes a nomination by a faculty member and no more than 2 students can be nominated from each school. SECTION 6: “Committee Responsibilities”

1. Deliverables – Solicit, review and recommend the scholarship application on an annual basis. Solicitation should begin in October. The applications should be provided to the faculty advisors and eligibility requirements listed in the yearbook, on the web and in Section newsletter. A due date of late November will be on the applications so that they can be properly reviewed for presentation at the December ITE meeting. Applications should be reviewed an objective scoring system. (A sample rating system and award application is attached as supplemental information.)

2. Budget - $1,525. (Scholarship award of $1,500 plus $25 for certificate or plaque)

3. Have award certificate made for presentation to winner at December ITE meeting. Coordinate

with section treasure to have check presented to recipient following receipt of proof of enrollment in a conforming program.

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KEN VOIGT AWARD COMMITTEE Guidelines- adoption pending SECTION 1: “Name of Committee” Ken Voigt Award Committee SECTION 2: “Committee Chair” There is no set rotation schedule/policy. Committee Chair is a voluntary position and subject to change according to varying work, professional society, personal, and other commitments. Committee Chair shall try to hold position between a minimum of 2 years and a maximum as determined by the Wisconsin Section ITE Board. SECTION 3: “Committee Members” There is no set member rotation schedule/policy. Committee membership is voluntary and subject to change according to varying work, professional society, personal, and other commitments. Committee membership should be between a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 5 members, in addition to Committee Chair. SECTION 4: “Mission Statement” The purpose of the KEN VOIGT AWARD Committee shall be to solicit, review, and present to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board the professional(s) paper which best represents knowledge of, and incorporates sound original thought and ideas into the field of transportation or traffic planning/engineering. Papers will be solicited, reviewed, and the KEN VOIGT AWARD Committee on an annual basis will present a recommended winning paper to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board. SECTION 5: “Responsibilities” Deliverables – Solicit, review and recommend a qualifying professional paper on an annual basis. Paper solicitation will begin each year in March and run through early June. Solicitation will be through several media, including Wisconsin Section ITE newsletters and Wisconsin Section ITE web site. Papers will be due by June 1st, and reviewed with a recommendation forwarded to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board prior to the July Wisconsin Section Meeting. Budget - $1000 annual travel reimbursem*nt award to winning author(s).

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MARTIN BRUENING AWARD COMMITTEE Guidelines- adoption pending SECTION 1: “Name of Committee” Martin Bruening Award Committee SECTION 2: “Committee Chair” There is no set rotation schedule/policy. Committee Chair is a voluntary position and subject to change according to varying work, professional society, personal, and other commitments. Committee Chair shall try to hold position between a minimum of 2 years and a maximum as determined by the Wisconsin Section ITE Board. SECTION 3: “Committee Members” There is no set member rotation schedule/policy. Committee membership is voluntary and subject to change according to varying work, professional society, personal, and other commitments. Committee membership should be between a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 5 members, in addition to Committee Chair. SECTION 4: “Mission Statement” The purpose of the MARTIN BRUENING AWARD Committee shall be to solicit, review, and present to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board the student(s) paper which best represents knowledge of, and incorporates sound original thought and ideas into the field of transportation or traffic planning/engineering. Papers will be solicited, reviewed, and the MARTIN BRUENING AWARD Committee on an annual basis will present a recommended winning paper to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board. SECTION 5: “Responsibilities” Deliverables – Solicit, review and recommend a qualifying student paper on an annual basis. Paper solicitation will begin each year in November and run through early December. Solicitation will be through several media, including ITE Student Chapter Faculty Advisors, Wisconsin Section ITE newsletters, and Wisconsin Section ITE web site. Papers will be due by January 31, and reviewed with a recommendation forwarded to the Wisconsin Section ITE Board prior to the March Wisconsin Section Meeting. Budget - $500 annual cash award to winning author(s). The $500 will be divided equally among the authors of the winning paper.

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SECTION MEETINGS COMMITTEE Guidelines- adoption pending SECTION 1:”Name of Committee” Section Meetings Committee SECTION 2:”Committee Chair” Currently committee members determine chair. No chair rotation or schedule exists. Typically a rotation occurs naturally after a year or two when the committee leader either steps down or prefers to shed some of the duties. Should a member of the committee desire to take over leadership roles after a few years, any discussion or inquiry is welcome. SECTION 3: “Committee Members” Recruitment - Typically an annual announcement is made, either at a section meeting and/or in the newsletter, to encourage any interested members to join the committee. This also serves as a reminder that the committee is always open to any input or ideas that any members may have. SECTION 4: “Mission Statement” To plan, organize, and conduct nine (9) local section meetings annually for members of the Wisconsin Section ITE. To foster professional networking and technology and project information sharing through various coordinated social opportunities throughout the year. The group will offer any local planning assistance for district or national meetings (3). SECTION 5:”Responsibilities” Deliverables - Meeting notices, to be delivered prior to each meeting by email and snail mail, providing time for members to make reservations to attend. Budgets - There is no committee budget. The essence of the financial workings of the committee is to break even (or at least not lose money) with every local section meeting. All costs are determined month-to-month based on the meal costs at each of the facilities.

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TRAFFIC ENGINEERING COUNCIL Guidelines- updated 2007

ARTICLE I: NAME AND AUTHORITY SECTION 1: “Name” The official name of this group shall be “Wisconsin Traffic Engineering Council”, which shall be referred to as the Council. SECTION 2: “Authority and Relation to ITE” The Council shall be considered part of the Institute of Transportation Engineers-Wisconsin Section (ITE). But for the purposes of events and activities supported by Council, shall be considered a separate organization with responsibilities for committee administration. These responsibilities will include but are not limited to committee member recruitment, resource management, promotion, and financial record keeping. ITE shall provide fiduciary oversight and supply financial management resources to support group activities and monetary transactions. Funds collected from Council activities shall be deposited in ITE accounts for the purpose of supporting future events.

ARTICLE II: MISSION AND STAKEHOLDERS SECTION 1: “Mission” The Council will be the professional network enabling policy development and review, and supporting communication and knowledge management between and among state and local traffic engineers in Wisconsin. SECTION 2: “Stakeholders” The Council will meet the needs of stakeholders from municipal, county, and state agencies with responsibility for traffic operations and traffic engineering functions. The Council will also incorporate the expertise of consultants, vendors, and other private industry partners.

ARTICLE III: COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1: “Definition” Membership shall be open to all interested individuals. However, Council members will be encouraged to be members of ITE. SECTION 2: “Committee Size” There are no limits on the number or size of the Council membership. However, the Council will make efforts to maintain a minimum of 10 members, and will prioritize the inclusion of state traffic engineers and traffic engineers from large cities in Wisconsin such as Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Appleton, and others.

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SECTION 3: “Expectations” All members of the group are expected to perform or support various voluntary functions including but not limited to the following:

a) Scheduling and logistical support for meetings b) Discussion and policy facilitation for specific topics c) Support of education and awareness activities regarding traffic engineering issues

ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS AND DUTIES SECTION 1: “Officers” The officers of the Council shall be Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair shall be the State Traffic Engineer and the Vice Chair shall be a representative of the University of Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Lab. SECTION 2: “Chair” The Chair shall be the committee’s leading figure. The Chair’s responsibilities include developing the agenda, presiding over all meetings, and, with approval of the Council, assigning member’s responsibility for other key functions. The Chair will also serve as the liaison to Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board. SECTION 3: “Vice Chair” The Vice Chair will support the Chair in the leadership and administration of the Council, and will serve as the Chair’s primary delegate in the absence of the Chair. SECTION 4: “Reorganization” At the discretion of the Chair or the vote of a two-thirds majority of the Council members, either of the officers designated in Section 1 may be alternately selected for a period of one year commencing with the following January 1 and continuing until the subsequent December 31. These actions may be renewed annually by a vote of two-thirds majority of the Council for subsequent calendar years.

ARTICLE V: KEY FUNCTIONS SECTION 1: “Annual Meeting” The Council shall conduct at least one meeting annually to review traffic engineering technical and policy issues of concern to members. A summary of discussions and substantive recommendations for action shall be provided to the Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board for consideration and possible publication. SECTION 2: “Sub-Committees” To discharge these key functions, the Council may adopt and revise from time to time a list of standing sub-committees. The Chair will appoint subcommittee chairs with the approval of the Council.

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ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS SECTION 1: “Repeal Charter” This Charter may be repealed, and a new Charter may be adopted, with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the Council members. The newly adopted Charter is officially approved once it is submitted to the Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board for review and comment. ITE may require Charter amendments if the documents runs contrary to the objectives of the local section or national organization. SECTION 2: “Amendments” Members of the Council, with a two-thirds majority approval of the membership, may introduce amendments to this Charter. Upon adoption unless the proposed amendment specifically provides otherwise the amendments will take effect during the next full meeting. ARTICLE VII: IMPLEMENTATION, 2007 This Charter will take effect upon adoption by the current Council by December 31, 2007. ARTICLE VIII: RULES OF PROCEDURE The Council’s parliamentary rules of procedure will be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Quorum shall be one more than 1/2 of the total current active committee members. Quorum is only required for voting business, Charter repeal, and Charter amendments.

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COMMITTEE VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION The Section is extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication shown by volunteers that makeup the Section’s committees and special appointments. The following is a summary recognizing some of these volunteers.

Distinguished Service Award Committee Rich Coakley, Leader John Bruggeman Bob Bryson

Young Professional Award Committee Rich Coakley, Leader Pete Rafferty Stephanie Olson Dave Jolicoeur

Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award Committee Dawn Krahn, Leader Mike May Allan Pacada Rebecca Szymkowski

Martin Bruening Award Committee Stephan Hoffmann, Leader Richard Coakley Marcus Januario

Section Meetings Committee Allan Pacada, Leader Rahel Desalegne Jennifer Kobryn Giridhar Reddy Justin Schueler

Nominating Committee Todd Szymkowski Rich Coakley Bill Bremer

2014 Yearbook Jeff Roemer Stacey Pierce

Student Chapter Liaisons Dawn Krahn, Leader Jeremy Iwen, UW-Platteville Jeff Roemer, UW-Milwaukee Rebecca Szymkowski, Marquette University Todd Szymkowski, UW-Madison

STEM Forward, Inc. Shana Brummond, Liaison 2014 STEM Future City Competition Judges: Phil Bielefield John Bruggeman Jeremy Iwen Shana Brummond

Traffic Engineering & Planning Workshop Council John Bieberitz, Leader Joanna Bush John Campbell Cheryl Cieslewicz Pat Hawley John Kugel Jessica Schmiedicke Dan McCormick Stephanie Olsson

Social Events Committee Council Allan Pacada and Stacey Pierce, Co-Chair Jeff Otto Tyler Tkachuk

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Wisconsin SimCap Users Group Jess Billmeyer, Chair Sandy Beaupre Rob Beuthling Jess Billmeyer Thomas Boyke Richard Braidwood John Campbell Rich Coakley Alex Cowan Amanda DeAmico Michael DeAmico Rahel Desalegne Maria Donnelly Brian Dupont Ruchi Dutta Eric Frailing Sarah Gengler Lee Gibbs Kelly Greuel Mary Greuel Vicki Haskell Pat Hawley Jeff Held Joshua Hoffmann Brian Huibregtse Marcus Januario Jason Kessler Jeff Knudson Dawn Krahn Luis Laracuente Richard Li Nathan Lipinski Michael May Dan McCormick William Melendez Jennifer Murray Stephanie Olsson Susan Paulus Brian Porter Peter Rafferty Kevin Ruhland Mike Scarmon Laura Schroeder Justin Schuele John Shaw Christian Stenke

Wisconsin SimCap Users Group (Continued) Rebecca Szymkowski Yang Tao Amit Thomas Kim Tran Joe Urban Ashley Vesperman Tom Walsh Kevin Wehner Eric Youngblom Chad Wagner Jason Koster Ben Rouleau George Schulz Daniel Holt

Traffic Engineering Council Bill McNary, Council Chair Council inactive for 2014

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Section Events 4.1 2014 Meeting Summary

The following is a summary of the dates, locations, speakers, and topics covered during Section meetings in 2014.


Public Service Appreciation

Jan 22 Madison Great Dane Pub

Highlights of WisDOT Major Projects & Studies,

the Future of Transportation and

Public-Private Partnerships

Michael Berg, WisDOT

Student Appreciation

Night Hosted by Marquette

Mar 5 Milwaukee Buca di Beppo

ITE Student Chapter Updates

Zoo Interchange-2014 Arterial Projects

Student Chapters

Eyad Ghani of EMCS, Inc.

Traffic Engineering Workshop

Transportation / Planning


Apr 16 Pewaukee Country Springs

Hotel Living in the Midwest Scott Novotny

Fox Valley Dinner Meeting

May 14 Appleton Good Company WisDOT NE Region Safety Improvement Highlights

Scott Nelson, WisDOT NE Region

Joint Meeting with ITS

Wisconsin July 16 Milwaukee Joey Buona’s

Movable Concrete Barrier - Hoan Bridge Project

Carolynn Gellings, WisDOT

Breakfast Meeting with


September 10

Waukesha Country Springs

Hotel Diverging Diamond


Jess Billmeyer, AECOM and John Bridwell, WisDOT

UW Madison UW-Platteville Student Night

October 15 Barneveld Deer Valley


ITE Student Chapter Updates

Emergency Response/ Traffic Re-Routing at


Student Chapters

Dr. Christina Curras / Chair, UW-P Dept. of CEE

ITS Forum Oct 2 Madison Union South Innovating for the Future Various ITS


Annual Meeting Dec 3 Delafield Delafield Brewhaus

Committee Reports, Annual Election, New

Officer Induction

Shawn Leight, ITE International


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4.2 Wisconsin SimCap Users Group Meetings

Simulation and Capacity Analysis User Group (SimCap) was first launched in 2006 in the North Carolina section of ITE as a technical users group under the Traffic Engineering Council. The group met over meals to discuss best practices for traffic simulation and capacity analysis. Their first project was to develop a decision matrix for software selection for the North Carolina DOT. Subsequently, the founder, Matt Davis, moved to other states on the east coast and began other SimCap chapters in the states where he lived. Other sections on the east coast began starting chapters and the group caught the attention of the ITE International Traffic Engineering Council (TENC). The TENC decided to add SimCap as an official subcommittee in 2011 and is encouraging the growth in other ITE Sections. In summary, SimCap began as a grass roots user group and spread up to the ITE International level. Now, the emphasis is on supporting new start chapters and coordinating between existing chapters.

In Wisconsin, SimCap was launched at the 2013 ITE Midwestern District conference in Milwaukee. The group launched with a conversation circle of topics of interest in traffic simulation and capacity analysis. The topics were refined at a subsequent meeting in September 2013 along with a presentation by Rebecca Szymkowski on “The State of Traffic Analysis in Wisconsin”. The outcome of the September 2013 meeting was to form two project groups; “Improving Synchro Model Consistency” (led by Jeff Held), and “Paramics model Calibration and Validation Techniques and Standards” (led by Rob Beuthling).

At the February 2014 meeting, John Shaw and John Campbell presented the “Madison Beltline OD Data Collection and Analysis Project”. The project is the largest origin-destination (OD) data collection project combining Bluetooth and Time Lapse Aerial Photography methodologies ever. There was also an opportunity for the two project groups to break out and discuss strategy and progress.

At the May 2014 meeting, Jess Billmeyer presented “Google Car: How it Works and How We Can Help”. The presentation sparked discussion on how the technology could be integrated into our infrastructure plans and what it means for the future of vehicles. The two SimCap project groups reported their progress and had an opportunity to meet together to discuss next steps.

The Synchro Consistency Workgroup will explore specific model coding and output issues that are known to be handled in different ways by different practitioners in Wisconsin. The first issue that will be explored is Right Turns on Red (RTOR) at signalized intersections. The group’s Project Objective is: Identify how field measured right turns on red signals compare to the HCS 2010 calculated values from Synchro8 software under a variety of geometric and traffic conditions. Develop a proposed procedure to address instances when the HCS 2010 calculated volume differs substantially from typically

observed field volumes. Currently, the workgroup is gathering research on this issue and identifying sources of field data. Volunteers will be needed soon to count RTOR vehicles and possibly gather other information from the field data. Following that, the workgroup will model various conditions and summarize the results.

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The Paramics Workgroup is currently reviewing and testing the various ways to construct models. The overall goal is to develop a framework of how to represent varying field conditions consistently in Paramics models across projects throughout Wisconsin. Our first step focuses on network development. There are several topics that will be investigated by the team, generally including: network design methods, impacts of network coding, and HCM vs. Paramics analysis methods. The workgroup will utilize a two interchange segment of the Madison Beltline with existing data to test the various areas of concern. Currently, the model is in development and data is being collected. Additional tasks will develop a framework of input and adjustment of modeling parameters during calibration and validation.

The ITE SimCap group is open to anyone who wants to participate. Membership in ITE is not a requirement, although we hope the SimCap group demonstrates the benefits of being a member and encourage people to join ITE. If you are interested in being added to the committee list, or are interested in joining one, or both, of the project groups, please email Jess Billmeyer at [emailprotected].

The following is a summary of the dates, locations, speakers, and topics covered during Wisconsin SimCap Users Group meetings in 2014.


February 18, 2014 Madison Brickhouse BBQ Bluetooth and Time-lapse Aerial Photography for the

Madison Beltline

John Shaw & John Campbell

May 20, 2014 Madison Union South Google Car, How it works

and how we can help Jess Billmeyer

September 16, 2014 Madison Union South Roundtable Discussion All


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4.3 Traffic Engineering Workshop and Transportation Planning Forum

Traffic and transportation planning problems face all urban and rural areas. They are becoming more troublesome as our cities and villages grow and increase the number of vehicles the existing street system has to support. The Traffic Engineering Workshop and Transportation Planning Forum is designed to introduce those who are responsible for solving traffic and planning problems to new products, concepts and designs. The workshop emphasized changes to the traffic engineering and transportation planning industry with special areas of concentration related to technology and design/planning alternatives. This event was held on April 16th at the Country Springs Hotel in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.

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4.4 Joint Lunch Meeting with ITS Wisconsin

On July 16, 36 members of both the Wisconsin Section of ITE and ITS–Wisconsin held a joint lunch meeting at the Joey Buona’s Restaurant in downtown Milwaukee. Thank you to Allan Pacada of EMCS, Inc. for organizing the event.

Carolynn Gellings, Project Manager from WisDOT SE Region, gave a presentation on movable concrete barrier for the Hoan Bridge Project, a $278 million project that includes replacement of the entire bridge deck, among other improvements. Only half of the bridge is open to drivers at a time during construction, leaving the contractor three driving lanes to work with.

In order to keep 2 lanes open to traffic, a movable median barrier was installed on the bridge and will be shifted twice daily to allow for two open lanes heading north for morning commuters and two southbound lanes as workers drive home in the evening.

The rehabilitation project is currently utilizing a movable barrier and Swift Gate system to add capacity in the peak direction during the morning and evening peak periods by keeping two lanes open to traffic in the peak direction, with one lane in the off peak direction. The movable median barrier installed on the bridge and is shifted twice daily allowing for two open lanes heading north for morning commuters and two southbound lanes as for the evening drive home.

The system is being used for the duration of the two-year project during all four seasons. Carolynn described the design analysis leading to the decision to use the movable barrier and how it's operating in construction. The SwiftGate™ system, which is an automated lane closure system being used in conjunction with the movable barrier for the first time in the U.S., was also presented. These gates are deployed and retracted using a single remote control, making for a safe and fast operation

Special thanks to ITS Wisconsin for another great meeting. It is nice to be able to bring together our organizations to discuss transportation issues that affect all of us.

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Wisconsin Section


4.5 12th Annual ITE –Wis Social Activities – June 10 and July 23 2014

This summer there were two ITE Wisconsin social events to enjoy.

On June 10, we attended the Madison Mallards game against the Lakeshore Chinooks. Although the Chinooks prevailed, the attendees enjoyed the craft beers, the food and the fabulous door prizes.

On July 23rd there was a gathering at the Evolution Gastro Pong in Milwaukee’s Third Ward. Everyone enjoyed the friendly competition playing ping pong and the great food and drinks. Many non-members attended that will hopefully be future members!

Please let any board member know if you have any ideas for next year! The ITE Wisconsin Section would like to thank the corporate sponsors of the event. The sponsorship was used to help with door prizes and appetizers and reduce the price per ticket. The ITE Wisconsin Section would also like to thank Stacey Pierce of WisDOT, Allan Pacada of EMCS, Inc., Tyler Tkachuk of AECOM, and Jeff Otto of EMCS, Inc. for their help in organizing the event.

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Wisconsin Section


4.6 2014 Joint Western / Midwestern District Meeting

Over 600 traffic and transportation professionals, vendors and guests who attended the first-ever Joint Western/Midwestern District Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The Joint District Meeting brought together transportation professionals from the eleven-state Midwestern District and the thirteen-state Western District for their first-ever joint meeting that was held June 29-July 2 at the Rushmore Convention Center in Rapid City, South Dakota.

While some sessions of the conference focused on traditional vehicular traffic issues, there were also presentations that focused on transit, bike lanes and pedestrian traffic impacts. One main topic of the meeting was the recent release of the NACTO Guide to Urban Street Design. Keynote speaker was Roy Goudy from Nissan USA, discussing the latest efforts car manufacturers are taking in crash avoidance.

There were also presentations that addressed issues relevant to the Dakotas. The Monday Luncheon speaker was Wayne Zacher from the North Dakota Department of Transportation. He spoke on the planning, designing and maintenance of roadways under the pressure of the booming oil industry. The Joint Meeting also welcomed Rapid City Mayor Sam Kooiker to discuss local traffic and transportation issues at the conference. International President of ITE, Hibbett Neel, attended the Rapid City meeting along with Midwestern District Director to the International Board Shawn Leight. Midwestern District President Kristi Sebastian and the MWITE Board of Directors attended, as well as several members of the NCITE Board, including this year’s president Mike Anderson.

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Wisconsin Section


In an exciting change-of-pace, teams representing universities and colleges from both the Western and Midwestern ITE Districts competed in Collegiate Traffic Bowls to determine each District’s student team to move on to the ITE International Meeting. These “Jeopardy-style” events pitted teams of students from opposing universities in a competition to test wits and transportation knowledge. The winning MWITE team was from the University of Kansas, while the winning team from the Western District was from Brigham Young University. These winning teams advanced to the Collegiate Traffic Bowl Grand Championship held in Seattle, WA.

The Wisconsin team of Hannah Silber, John Ash, and Beau Burdett, were seeded third in the competition, advanced to the final game by defeating both Saint Louis University and defending champion, Iowa State. In addition to the Wisconsin, the six other teams participating in the MWITE event were:

Iowa State University

North Dakota State University

Saint Louis University

South Dakota State University

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

University of Kansas

Thank you to all the students and members who supported and made this event a success! Special recognitions to Wisconsin Section members - Rich Coakley, who served as a judge, Ken Voigt, who worked to develop the clues/questions, and John Davis, who chaired the event for the sixth year.

There were also several events for students beyond the Traffic Bowls. On Sunday, student attended the James A. Kell Competition, in which they tried to solve a transportation-related mystery design challenge (-- this year based on bus loading). Later that day, students interacted with local Boy Scout troops doing hands on transportation engineering activities. This was a community outreach activity designed to increase awareness of the traffic and transportation engineering profession.

On the Saturday prior to the meeting, several teams of students, friends and family participated in the MiteY Race. Modeled after the TV show “The Amazing Race”, this event provided teams the ability to race through downtown Rapid City. Banking on Rapid City’s theme as “The City of Presidents”, teams were given clues to find statues of various presidents found around the downtown area. Once found, the teams had to perform challenges before moving on. In the end, “The Mighty NCITERs”, consisting of Kristi and Claire Sebastian, Tom Campbell, and Steve Manhart, came in 2nd Place in the Friends and Family Category – the only team representing the Midwestern District to participate.

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Wisconsin Section


On Monday night, attendees and guests were bussed to the Fort Hayes Chuckwagon Dinner and Showplace for a real Chuckwagon barbeque (-- on tin plates!), and lively musical show. After the show, everyone boarded the busses and was taken to Mount Rushmore to see the sunset lighting of the presidents. It was very cool (-- as in windy and cold)! Seeing Mount Rushmore at night was remarkable. On Tuesday night, attendees and guests enjoyed the States Banquet, at which everyone was invited to dress either in western attire, as a president or as a Sturgis biker (or some combination thereof). Afterwards, everyone danced the night away to the outlaw country rock music by The Dirty Shame.

In all, the Joint Western/Midwestern District Meeting was a rousing success. Many people enjoyed sharing ideas and fellowship with people outside their own district. Several people were heard stating that they look forward to opportunities to hold a joint meeting again in the future. Although remote, Rapid City was a great venue – small, but not too small; historic, but hospitable; fun without being too expensive; and with a nearby attraction that many had not experienced prior to this meeting. Our organization had the opportunity to "join together in friendly compact", to network and learn from each other, and to have a good time! Full program notes can be found at

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Wisconsin Section


4.7 ITE Annual Section Meeting 2014

The Wisconsin Section held the annual meeting at the Delafield Brewhaus on December 3. Shawn Leight, the ITE International Director presented on behalf of ITE.. The annual election results were announced and new officer inductions occurred with Ken Voigt swearing in the new officers. Also a number of awards were presented, Distinguished Service Award, Young Professionals Award and the Harvey Shebesta Award

Mike McCarthy presents Rich Coakley with the Past President’s Award

Shawn Leight ITE Midwestern District Director to the International Board

Shawn Leight of the Midwestern Section ITE recognizes John Davies for his service to the District with the Traffic Bowl

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Mike McCarthy presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Allan Pacada and Stacey Pierce for their service as Events Committee Co-Chairs

Rebecca Szymkowski accepts the Great Lakes Transportation Enterprise Institute Distinguished Service Award

for Todd Szymkowski

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First Wisconsin’s Professional Traffic Bowl Held at Annual Dinner The Traffic Sharks, the Flashing Yellow Arrows, Road Warriors, the Traffic Jam, and the Orange Paint were the teams that participated in the first Wisconsin Professional Traffic Bowl as a part of the Section’s Annual Dinner program. Thirty members participated in the competition of traffic/transportation knowledge and trivia. Jeff Roemer, section 2nd year affiliate director, commented that he was even able to answer some questions correctly!

The categories for this year’s event were:

“ITE International” – ITE International facts

“Master Plan” – Transportation planning clues

“At any Rate” – Common rates used in our industry

“Signs Only” – Signs from the MUTCD

“TV/Movie Cars” – Clues about cars seen in TV shows and movies

“ON ITE Wisconsin” – Wisconsin ITE facts

The final clue’s topic was “Simulating”, and featured a micro-simulation clue. Every clue was answered correctly by one of the five teams including the final clue!

The winning team was Orange Paint with a final score of 2700 and answering the final clue correctly! The members of Orange Paint were: Hannah Silbers, UW student; Alex Motl, Ayres Associates; Marty Hanson, Ayres Associates; Erin Schoon, WisDOT; Tristan Hickman, Ayres Associates; and Brian Porter, WisDOT. Judges were: Mike McCarthy, EMCS; Rebecca Szymkowski, WisDOT; and

Rich Coakley, Ch2M Hill. Allan Pacada, EMCS was the scorekeeper, and John Davis, Ayres Associates organized the game and served as moderator. Everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed the evening!

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Wisconsin Section


Section Awards and Recognition

5.1 Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes an ITE member’s outstanding contributions to the transportation profession. Selection of the winner is based on continued member leadership roles on difficult transportation issues or projects; notable and outstanding contributions to the profession through the section or national Institute and other professional activities; and recognition for the advancement of the integrity of traffic engineering, design, planning, or education.

The committee recognized Gary Rylander as the 2014 winner of the Distinguished Service Award.

Gary holds a B.S. and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently Gary is Senior Vice President and Principal Traffic/ITS Engineer at TranSmart Technologies.

Gary has 38 years of professional experience in both the public and private sectors with both large and small projects involving ITS planning, design, operations, maintenance and management, and traffic and transportation engineering and planning. Gary also serves as a Professor of Practice (Adjunct Professor) in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he teaches courses in the transportation engineering program upon request. He also is an Adjunct Professor for the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, where he teaches continuing education courses in transportation engineering. Congratulations Gary ! The Wisconsin ITE Section thanks you for your support and contributions to the transportation community.

DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD PAST RECIPIENTS 1998 - Ken Voigt 1999 – Albert Veteri 2000 – Dave Kuemmel 2001 – Harvey Shebesta 2002 – Ron Sonntag 2003 – John Kugel

2004 – Ed Friede 2005 – Wayne Higgins 2006 – Edward Beimborn 2007 – Bill Bremer 2008 – John Corbin 2009 – Bob Bryson

2010 – Not Awarded 2011 – Richard Butula 2012 – Steve Cyra 2013 – Todd Szymkowski 2014 – Gary Rylander

Richard Coakley with Gary Rylander 2014 Distinguished Service Award Winner

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Wisconsin Section


5.2 Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award

Harvey who was one of the founding members and the first President of the Wisconsin Section in 1966 and International President in 1980. Harvey also served on the ITE Technical Council as the first Section Technical Activities Department Head in 1968-69 and on the Board of Directors in 1970-71. This Award is presented annually by the Wisconsin Section of ITE to encourage students to consider Transportation Engineering in their studies and career aspirations, and to provide partial financial support to students who have demonstrated an interest and are likely to work in the transportation field. The Scholarship consists of an award of $1,500, which is to be used to offset educational costs. The Harvey Shebesta Award was given to Sean Koslowski from Marquette University. Congratulations Sean!

HARVEY SHEBESTA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD - PAST RECIPIENTS 1990 - Susan Langdon 1991 - Kurt Flierl 1992 - Daniel McCormick 1993 - Michael Steiner 1994 - Lisa Kasprzak 1995 - Brian Udovich 1996 - Michele Young 1997 - Aaron Bubb 1998 - Dave Platz

1999 - Scott Kuznicki 2000 - David Ling 2001 - Michael May 2002 - Tammy Loose 2003 - Sam Jacoby 2004 - Andy Kowske 2005 - Susan Paulus 2006 - Tim Shebesta 2007 - John Bruggeman

2008 - Matt Shiremann 2009 - Jeremy Chapman 2010 - Elizabeth Weasler 2011 - John Coburn 2012 - Elyse O’Callaghan 2013 - Timothy Lewis 2014 - Sean Koslowski

ELIGIBILITY AND HOW TO APPLY To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be either a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in a Wisconsin College or University, with course work and career goal emphasis on Transportation Engineering, and must be nominated by Transportation Engineering faculty of your school. To apply for the Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award, see your faculty advisor. The Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Award Application can be found online at the Wisconsin Section website:

Dawn Krahn with Sean Koslowski 2014 Harvey Shebesta Scholarship Winner

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Wisconsin Section


5.3 Ken Voigt Award.

The Ken Voigt Award, sponsored and funded by the ITE Wisconsin Section, annually recognizes a young professional professional(s) paper which best represents knowledge of, and incorporates sound original thought and ideas into the field of transportation or traffic planning/engineering.

No Ken Voigt award was presented in 2014.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Any member of ITE who has not reached his/her 35th birthday by June 1 is eligible to apply for the award.

FORMAT Paper can be no longer than 20 pages double-spaced which includes a one page abstract and a statement indicating the candidate’s relationship to the study or project in terms of design, conduct of work, analysis of data and authorship of the paper itself. Please submit material electronically formatted in Adobe Acrobat®. Those submittals received after June 1 may not be considered. In addition, each submittal must have a cover letter from the firm's representative to the evaluation committee, in which the representative approves the submission of the paper for entry into the awards competition.

EVALUATION CRITERIA Papers will be evaluated on the basis of originality, significance, scope, format and clarity, validity and applicability.

AWARD AND PRESENTATION The principal author of the winning paper will receive recognition at ITE Section Meeting, a plaque and $1000 travel reimbursem*nt to attend ITE Annual Meeting.

KEN VOIGT AWARD WINNER (2013) Ken Voigt presented Joseph Ulatowski of HNTB with the Ken Voigt Young Members Award. Joseph received a $1,000 award from the Wisconsin Section to help cover the costs of attendance at the 2013 ITE Annual Meeting in Boston.


2012 Erin Schoon 2013 Joseph Ulatowski 2014 Not Awarded

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Wisconsin Section


5.4 Martin Bruening Award

Mr. Bruening worked from 1924 until 1972 for the City of Milwaukee in the area of Traffic Engineering. He was not only a leader in Milwaukee but was recognized as a national leader. During his illustrious career, he was an advocate and supporter of the three "E's" of traffic safety: Engineering, Education and Enforcement, and his sound geometric design principles and early attention to good traffic signal design and operation were partly responsible for Milwaukee's consistent first place ranking in traffic safety for cities in its population class. Although Bruening believed in and was professionally involved in the planning and design of Milwaukee's freeway system to ensure the coordination and design for traffic operations on the local street system, he consistently warned of the necessity for a balanced transportation system. He authored several reports on the financially favored position of the automobile over mass transit, and advocated a metropolitan transit authority and mass transit subsidy. The Wisconsin Section, in recognition to Martin, has an annual award for papers by its members. The Martin Bruening Award Committee of the Wisconsin Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers is again calling for technical papers to be submitted to compete for this annual Martin Bruening Award.

MARTIN BRUENING 2014 AWARD WINNERS Stephan Hoffmann, chairman of the Martin Bruening Award, presented the following:

Professional Award.

Andrea Bill, Rebecca Szymkowski, Dr. Ghazan Khan and Dr. David Noyce for their paper titled, “Safety Evaluation of Wisconsin Roundabouts: Phase 2”.

Student Award

Peng Li for the paper titled “A Network Enhancement Model with Integrated Lane Reorganization and Traffic Control Strategies”.

ELIGIBILITY AND HOW TO APPLY Any member of the Wisconsin Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers or its student chapters may submit a candidate technical paper. Details can be found online at the Wisconsin Section website: Http://

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Wisconsin Section



1976 Robert Taube 1995 Pat Hawley, Tim Barry, and Van Walling 1977 O. Dobnick, J. Goetz, A. Pithavodian,

and G. Koser 1995 Joe Pieroni, Jeff Roemer, and Buddy Desai

1997 F. Kurtin, L. Miller, R. Puestow, and M. Spence

1996 John Bieberitz and Steve Cyra

1978 Curtis Lueck 1997 Not Awarded 1979 Robert Weithofer 1998 Not Awarded 1980 William Berg and Robert Weithofer 1999 Kristi Sebastian 1981 C.J. Chang and David Kuemmel 2000 Smitha Vijayan 1982 David Novak 2001 David Soeldner and Michael Grulke 1983 Chris Fornal 2002 Xia Jin and Joseph Blakeman 1984 Ken Graham, and Robert Weithofer 2003 Richard Coakley and Marcus Januario and Tim Gates 1985 Rich Cannon, M. Liedtke, and Peter

Lindquist 2004 Dave Platz

1985 Jeff Retzlaff and William Berg 2005 Andy Kowske 1986 Chris Fornal, Peter Lindquist, and Zafar

Youset 2006 Brian Udovich

1987 Robert Smith, Jr., Thomas Walsh, and Robert Bryson

2007 Steven Parker and Yang Tao

1988 Tom Sohrweide, William Berg, and F.C. Nwoko

2008 Dave Platz and Amjaj Dehman

1989 Brian O'Connell, Ray Jackson, and Robert Schmidt

2009 Pat Hawley and John Bruggeman

1989 John Schmidt, Bill Handlas, and Pete Garcia

2010 Eric Frailing

1990 Jack Forlund, Shuming Yan, and Soo-Boem Lee

2011 Justin Effinger and Todd Szymkowski

1991 Brian Swenson, John Corbin, and Brian Scharles

2012 Justin Schueler, Parwinder Virk, Jeremy Chapman and Dr. David Noyce

1992 Christian Luz, John Bieberitz, and Tom Heydel

2013 Yang Cheng, Steven Parker, Bin Ran, David Noyce

1993 Mitzi Dobersek 2014 Andrea Bill, Rebecca Szymkowski, Dr. Ghazan Khan and Dr. David Noyce; Peng Li

1994 Richard Butula

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Wisconsin Section


5.5 Young Professional Award

The Young Professionals Award recognizes the achievements of transportation professionals who are under the age of 35. Each prospective applicant must be actively involved in transportation engineering and draft a short essay on the challenges facing the industry. Alicia Dougherty is a traffic engineer in HNTB's Milwaukee office where she is active with traffic operational and impact analysis, freeway and local road reconstruction traffic mitigation services, development of Transportation Management Plans, traffic signal timing plans, traffic signal design . She received her bachelor’s degree from Marquette University. She has served as a Director, Secretary and Treasurer for the ITE Wisconsin Section. Outside of work, she served as an Engineering Mentor for the Future City Competition presented by STEM Forward. Alicia was selected as the 2014 ITE Young Professional Award winner for her essay on Transportation Funding in Wisconsin which looked at the advantages and disadvantages of tolled facilities and mileage-based user fees. Congratulations Alicia!

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL AWARD - PAST RECIPIENTS 1999 Marty Hawley 2009 Shana Mogensen 2000 Marc Hustad 2010 Not Awarded 2001 Stephanie Olsson 2011 Brian Porter 2002 David Jolicoeur 2012 Yang Tao 2003 Todd Szymkowski 2013 Jordan Williams 2004 Paul Kutz 2014 Alicia Dougherty 2005 Dave Platz

2006 Peter Rafferty 2007 Michael May 2008 Andy Kowske

ELIGIBILITY AND HOW TO APPLY Any member of the Wisconsin Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers under the age of 35 may apply. Details can be found online at the Wisconsin Section website: Http://

Richard Coakley with Alicia Dougherty 2014 Young Professional Award Winner

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Wisconsin Section


5.6 2014 New Members Recognition

The following is a list of new members that joined the Section in 2014.

2014 New Affiliate Members:

Rebecca Sutton

Sam Kube

Allen Greco

Brad Kwaterski

Anthony Kemnitz

Tim Hanley

Jeff Bagdade

Eric Rakers

Austin Provost

Charles Wade

2014 New International Members

Marcia Cornnell

Sarah Ericson

Sarah Gengler

Jacob Joyal

Katrina Kuniati

Madelaina Martin

Joe Urban

Kevin Wehner

Jordan Jolma (student)

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Wisconsin Section


Student Chapters 6.1 University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

2014-15 School Year

OFFICERS President Peng Li Vice-President Xin Li Treasurer Open Secretary Open Faculty Advisor: Yue Liu (email: [emailprotected]) Wisconsin Section Student Chapter Liaison: Jeff Roemer, exp Inc.


Contact Name: Peng Li Title: President

Student Chapter Office Mailing Address:

College of Engineering and Applied Science UW-Milwaukee 3200 North Cramer Street, Room E371U

City, State, Zip: Milwaukee, WI 53211 Phone number: 262-397-7352

Fax number: N/A Office Location on Campus: Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

3200 North Cramer Street, Room E371U


WEBSITE No website at this time. UWM students and faculty can find our page on PantherSync.


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6.2 University of Wisconsin – Platteville

2014-15 School Year OFFICERS President ………………………… Nathan Cook Vice-President ………………….. Eric Macke Treasurer ………………………... Rebecca Frank Secretary ………………………… Matt Litchfield Public Relations………………….. Patrick Ahern Project Coordinator ……………… Brian Hargrove Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kristina Fields e-mail: [emailprotected] Phone number: (608) 342-1533 Wisconsin Section Student Chapter Liaison: Jeremy Iwen, Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Contact Name: Kristina Fields Title: Advisor

Student Chapter Office Mailing Address:

College of EMS Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 130 Ottensman Hall, 1 University Plaza

City, State, Zip: Platteville, WI 53818 Phone number: (608) 342-1533



Ahern, Patrick Graves, Andrew Norsby, Alyssa

Aldukalil, Ali Gruling, Zach Nugent, Alex

Becklin, Matt Hargrove, Brian Olson, Johnathan

Beyer, C.J. Huntley, Andrew Pehler, Nick

Boersma, Manasseh Jolma, Jordan Pike, Trevor

Buske, Evan Kammerzelt, Cody Reichert, David

Clussman, Ryan Kraemer, Brett Roth, Alexis

Cook, Nathan Lawler, Cody Sander, Luke

Costigan, Jim Lawson, Devin Schroeder, Korey

Dixon, Tanner Litchfield, Matt Speth, Kevin

Depies, Kiera Lippiatt, Brock Sullivan, Ben

Deneys, Kris Macke, Eric Tuescher, Collen

DuqueBlanco, Henry Mecum, Brandyn Wagner, Mitch

Frank, Rebcca Meyer, Jordan Wagner, Jeremy

Gould, Tyler Meiners, Ryan Zander, Jake

Gomez-Gonzalez, Andres Merten, Jeff


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Wisconsin Section


Executive Board (L to R): Patrick Ahern, Brian Hargrove, Nathan Cook, Eric Macke, Rebecca Frank, and Matt Litchfield)

Tour of Platteville’s Municipal Airport Construction Project


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Wisconsin Section


6.3 University of Wisconsin - Madison

2014-15 School Year Board Members

President........................................... Hannah Silber

Vice President ................................... Beau Burdett

Secretary .......................................... Adam Francour

Treasurer .......................................... Jamie Markosian

Social Chair ....................................... Hannah Silber

Faculty Advisor:Professor David Noyce e-mail: [emailprotected]

Phone number: (608) 265-1882

Wisconsin Section Student Chapter Liaison: Dawn Krahn, WisDOT

Contact Information

Name: Hannah Silber

Title: President

Address: 1415 Engineering Drive, Engineering Hall B245

City, State, Zip: Madison, WI 53706

E-Mail: [emailprotected]



The University of Wisconsin-Madison Student Chapter was awarded the ITE Midwestern District’s annual Student Chapter of the Year Award at the Midwestern District Conference on July 1, 2014. This award is an acknowledgment of the quality events organized throughout the year by the UW-Madison Student Chapter. They also placed 2nd to the University of Kansas student

chapter in the 2014 Midwestern District Traffic Bowl.

This was Wisconsin’s 6th appearance in the District’s Traffic Bowl, having participated in every district traffic bowl since its inception in 2009. Wisconsin is one of only three schools to have done so in the Midwestern District! A total of 15 of the 23 student chapters in the District have fielded a team for at least one of the annual competitions over the six year history of the event.

Congratulations to the UW-Madison Student Chapter! Hannah Silber, John Ash, and Beau Burdet were seeded third in the competition, advanced to the final game by defeating both Saint Louis University and defending champion, Iowa State. In the final game they faced top seeded Kansas and second seed, North Dakota




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Wisconsin Section


The Wisconsin section of the Intelligent Transportation Society held the 20th Annual ITS Forum in Madison at Union South on October 2nd. Chapter members attended and hosted a table in the exhibition hall presenting chapter events and networking with industry representatives. Their Student Chapter is also called the UW Madison Transportation Society (UWiTS) and is committed to community service participating in Science Expedition, Math Counts and Safe Routes to School among others.

On October 10th members toured the Wisconsin TOPS Driving Simulator Lab to view the full-scale simulation with a Ford Fusion in front of a 24-foot screen wrapped 270 degrees around which renders images at the same resolution as the human eye. TOPS staff explained how the simulator works and then members were able to drive the car in a simulated freeway environment.

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6.4 Marquette University

2014-15 School Year

OFFICERS President Sean Kozlowski Vice-President Samantha Roti Treasurer Kelsey Welch Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alex Drakopoulos

Email: [emailprotected] Wisconsin Section Student Chapter Liaison: Rebecca Szymkowski, WisDOT


Contact Name: Sean Koslowski Title: Student Chapter President

Student Chapter Office Mailing Address:

Marquette University Haggerty Engineering #268 1515 W. Wisconsin Ave

City, State, Zip: Milwaukee, WI 53233-2222 Phone number: (414) 336-4536

Office Location on Campus: Haggerty Engineering Hall - Room 268


Baas, Esther O'Sullivan, Thomas

Deats, Abigail Pavlicek, Devan

Hombsch, Turner Penubolu, Siva Kota Reddy

Johnston, Aaron Porras, Javier

Kozlowski, Sean Roti, Samantha

Lawson, Blake Sizemore, Mary

Lee, Arianna Tschida, Joe

Luba, Mary Waters, Michael

Mannix, Carter Welch, Kelsey

O'Connor, Timothy Wielgos, Robert



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Marquette students and professionals at a networking breakfast hosted by Marquette University ITE. Students and professionals enjoyed delicious food, captivating speakers and an extremely valuable 1:1 ratio of students and

professionals for networking and socialization.

Marquette University ITE hosted a behind-the-scenes tour of Milwaukee’s General Mitchell Airport. Included in the tour were testing of the new automated outbound baggage handling system, a bus tour of

the airfield systems and the active construction of the new baggage claim area.

Marquette University ITE hosted a tour of Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Statewide Traffic Operations Center (STOC). Students enjoyed a presentation about the challenges the department faces, as

well as tours of the testing/server room and the operations room.

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