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Behind them were densely packed troops whose numbers could not be estimated. Finally, under everyone's expectant eyes, Tianmen finally appeared Jiang Shi was dressed in blue and stood with his hands behind his back.

However, as soon as their spiritual consciousness came into contact with Jiang Shi's body, they were hit back by a wave of heat Brother Jiang, you are hiding so well It turns out that you are also a member of the dragon clan Ao Chen was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that he was from the same clan Jiang Shi smiled, Brother Ao Chen, thank you so much this time If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to save Shu Yi's six brothers Ao Chen was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said Brother Jiang, Shu Yi's six brothers were killed by that The four bastards accepted it, but you ate all four of them.

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I'll go find the head of Taibai first, so I won't disturb you seniors Jiang Shi smiled and flew up to Lingze Peak with Chang Qing'er r n r n Along the way, Jiang Shi found that most people's expressions were normal.

What Everyone was shocked. Why did immortals come from even the Dragon and Phoenix tribes Jiang Shi's brows were furrowed and his thoughts were racing.

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This shocked Han Feng, Wan Liyun, and Nangong De. In terms of cultivation, Jiang Shi was too low, but his methods were always asymmetrical to his cultivation In fact, Jiang Shi is not as indifferent as he seems on the surface.

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The corpse has merged with me, and the strength of my body has been increased to the late stage of the gods Jiang Shi showed a confident look.

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If you don't have a firm belief, you won't be able to walk at all. Not far This kid is really a good seedling Qing'er, I'm fine, be good and don't cry Jiang Shi looked at Chang Qing'er's eyes that were red from crying, and felt weak in his heart.

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Hey Jiang Shi sighed, after all, one person's power cannot change the entire world. After everyone exchanged a few words, the people from the demon world and the demon world evacuated.

The billowing fire cloud was drifting towards Dengyun Peak. If it stayed at Dengyun Peak, then Dengyun Peak, which had just been calm just now, would become chaotic again In the end, Chang Qing'er's soft red lips were printed on Jiang Shi's lips.

He waved his sleeves and made a cold voice, If you can survive my three moves, I, Qiao Li, will be at your mercy Go ahead Jiang Shi said calmly as he stepped forward.

They are specially restrained by me. No, we can't fight Jiang Shi's thoughts were racing, he judged the situation and prepared to retreat If he hadn't seen the incoming waves, he might still be fighting with the mentality of killing as many as possible, but at this moment, these people are ready for everything Death Jiang Shi penetrated the head of the man in black with a knife, and then the long knife shook, directly shattering his eyes, nose, and all the dirt in his brain Bang The men in black are not fuel efficient lamps.

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If they practice for one more day, their strength will double. Growth, once a crisis occurs, Jiang Shi and the others will be the ones to turn the tide Yes Jiang Shi nodded, hugged Shang Qing'er, and left with Shu Yi and the others.

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Jiang Shi turned around and kicked Tianhong in the chest The five people in Tianhong were shocked. This Jiang Shi was too terrifying.

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Jiang Shi was trapped for three days, but Jiang Shi was still firm in his thoughts. Even if Chang Cang trapped him for the rest of his life, he would not change Whoosh Chang Cang appeared in front of Jiang Shi with Chang Qing'er.

He looked at the Universe Inverting Formation and secretly lowered its power, as if waiting for something. After a long crackling sound, cracks appeared in the calm air, like broken glass, spreading over a kilometer radius.

I didn't expect that the six Shu Yi brothers were actually the brothers who fought with me back then Jiang Shi smiled bitterly, this is simply unbelievable Jiang Shi didn't know what happened that year, which caused the loss of everyone around him In the end, only through the suffering of reincarnation can everyone be reunited Boss, please collect the bodies of Shu Yi's six brothers Yun Sheng sighed.

How can I find it Jiang Shi was a little anxious, and that's not all. He had some conflicts with the five people from Tianhong.

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One day later, Jiang Shi slowly passed by Jade Girl Peak. When he reached this peak, Jiang Shi paused slightly to watch, but what Jiang Shi saw was the disciples of the four sects presiding over everything on Jade Girl Peak Four factions, I, Jiang Shi, came out of seclusion this time to kill you without leaving a trace Jiang Shi sneered, looking down at Jade Girl Peak, edible cbd gummies for sleep and then turned one hand into a claw and grabbed it gently Click After a while, a slight sound resounded in the ears of everyone at Jade Girl Peak, and then they felt their bodies rising continuously do nufarm cbd gummies really work Ah What's going on What's going on Why did the Does Va Approve Patients For Cbd Oil ground fly up for no reason Oh my God do nufarm cbd gummies really work do nufarm cbd gummies really work Many disciples screamed, but some calm disciples quickly discovered the abnormality Because it was not them who were ascending, but the entire Jade Girl Peak who was captured by Jiang Shisheng Hmph, listen, disciples of the four sects, you usually act arrogant and bring harm to the people, but today I, Jiang Shi, am going on a killing spree I want justice for those who died What Jiang Shi No, It's Jiang Shi Jiang Shi is here Asshole, everyone, run price of cbd gummies near me Jiang Shi looked coldly at everything on Jade Girl Peak, watching the panicked disciples all showing their ugly faces when facing the threat of death.

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Jiang Shi returned to Heaven, where Tantai Jing and Ximen Binggao were waiting. When the two girls learned that Jiang Shi had returned, they rushed back as soon as possible.

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It turns out that he and Xiao Yu are the same thing. I wonder why he deserves a beating The young man stared at Jiang Shi, and then looked at Xiao Yu.

He knew, someone is going to deal with him, so first leave a group of Immortal Emperors for Huo Yan and his wife. Jiang Shi returned to the Bird Clan overnight and chatted with Shang Cang for a while, leaving all four daughters of Shang Qing'er to stay in the Feng Clan.

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There was only one reason. At that time, he was completely proficient in formations. But now, Jiang Shi is a formation master at the peak of the sixth level. His Universe Inverting Formation is almost a world of its own.

They were waiting for the opportunity to seize the fragments in one fell swoop Jiang Shi didn't want to wait any longer.

Jiang Shi shook his head and knelt down to comfort Yun Sheng, Yun Sheng, don't be angry. If a dog bites you, will you bite it back Scum like them who look down on others will die in our hands sooner or later Jiang Shiqiu was calm and didn't have any murderous intent around him, but the words he spoke made Yunsheng cheer up.

Of course we know each other, and we are good brothers who have been through life and death But he didn't say that he was one of the three gangsters in the God Realm Jiang Shi said and laughed again.

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It's disgusting. Two grown men eat a chicken drumstick, and the water is so sloppy. Lingling and Youmeng looked at Shu Yi and Jiang Shi with disdain. The idiot, as stupid as ever, suddenly said at this moment They both love each other deeply.

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yes Everyone retreated, but Chang Sunrong and other senior officials stayed because they knew that Jiang Shi must have something to say.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.